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we don’t want you, zahrain!

pigi jaha*am lah, zahrain! (oh gosh, this is the first time i curse in bahasa.) i refer to this article written in bahasa in freemalaysia – zahrain belum pasti pertahan bayan baru. (zahrain still not sure if he will retain bayan baru). note: for those who don't understand bahasa, don't …

don’t be envious of christian charity

so what if christians extend their charity/love to muslim? or maybe i should ask the other way round – so what if muslim turned to the church for charity? in our church, we have a beautiful hymn with the title 'this is my commandment' which talks about charity. REFRAIN:  this …

my penang *proud*

The Economist Getting back its mojo After a slump, an early engine of globalisation is thriving again Aug 13th 2011 | PENANG | from the print edition IF YOU are going to have a heart attack, have it in Penang. So one might think, to the see the hospitals in …

ten worst case of police brutality in history

the creator of this website, ‘criminal justice’ , sent this to me, saying:  My name is Jay and I write for After publishing our most recent post, “10 Worst Cases of Police Brutality in History” I thought of you and your readers because it tackles the same kind of …

Of Raja Nazrin, Real Stories & Regal Rhetoric

Of Raja Nazrin, Real Stories & Regal Rhetoric By Martin Jalleh   Your Royal Highness (YRH),   Recently, during a talk themed: “The role of Malay rulers in nurturing unity” held in Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) in Shah Alam, YRH declared that “rulers should not be shielded from the truth and must …