blog warning from the police?
"the royal malaysian police would like to remind bloggers and local websites again not to spread rumours or statements regarding the sodomy allegation upon datuk seri anwar ibrahim…………. "
….. to continue, quote from malaysiakini:
The second note said any effort to link the sodomy allegation to the 1998 incidents – Anwar’s sacking as deputy prime minister and ensuing arrest for corruption – could thwart investigations.
It further said that baseless speculation would unduly affect Malaysia by serving particular foreign interests and intensify pressure on the government and the judiciary.
this warning in bahasa was the 2nd one posted at b. mahandran blog. the first comment said (again quoted from malaysiakini):
the police would investigate the sodomy allegation without prejudice and that the case should not be linked to conspiracy theories as this could impede investigations and the judicial process.
it was supposedly to be from the police but according to malaysiakin, the police said they are not behind the blog warning. it seemed that over at anwar’s blog, there was also a similiar warning posted.
according to malaysiakini these messages were traced to a domain name similar to the police portal, with the main difference being the absence of the ‘www’ on the bogus site. clicks on it take the viewer to a page that does not load.
so di that warning came from the police or not? probably not eh, since they had deny it…? maybe from some umno cybertroopers? but according to b. mahendran who has a screenshot of the comment post with the IP, he said questions still arise on the similarity of the IP maybe it was posted from PDRM but by an unknown rookie which went un-notice by the top policemen. anyway i feel that if the police wanted to post a warning, why didn’t do it on those popular blogs like rocky, susan, haris or nat. why on this blog of b mahendran, which to tell the truth, i have not heard of at all until when i read about it in malaysiakini. oh! maybe the reason is because they are popular! the police fear the retaliation? like susan, i know how well she can sure retaliate! haha. verbally lah i mean.
here are the original version of the comments post on b manhendran blog as taken from malaysiakini:
1. Warning says:
July 1 2008 at 4:12pm
Semua pihak diharap dapat memberi ruang kepada PDRM untuk menyiasat dakwaan ini secara terperinci dan profesional. PDRM akan sentiasa memastikan kesemua pihak terlibat iaitu di pihak pengadu dan orang yang didakwa mendapat keadilan sewajarnya. Tindakan tidak bertanggungjawab pihak-pihak tertentu yang cuba mengaitkan isu ini dengan konspirasi pihak-pihak berkepentingan hanya akan mengundang huru-hara yang akan menjurus kepada ketidaktenteraman umum.
PDRM juga begitu mengambil berat mengenai dakwaan ugutan bunuh terhadap Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim walaupun tiada sebarang laporan polis dibuat sebelum ini. Siasatan menyeluruh sukar dijalankan tanpa laporan polis khususnya bagi mengesan dan mengenalpasti pihak yang bertanggungjawab. PDRM juga menasihatkan orang ramai supaya tidak mengambil tindakan yang menyalahi undang-undang khususnya cubaan untuk menganjurkan sebarang aktiviti seperti demonstrasi dan ceramah-ceramah umum tanpa kebenaran. PDRM memberi jaminan bahawa laporan oleh Encik Mohd Saiful Bukhari Bin Azlan akan diambil tindakan mengikut lunas undang-undang bagi mendapatkan keadilan yang saksama.
2. Warning Says:
July 1, 2008 at 4:17pm
Polis Di Raja Malaysia (PDRM) sekali lagi ingin mengingatkan para bloggers serta laman-laman web tempatan supaya tidak menyebarkan khabar angin mahupun kenyataan berhubung isu dakwaan liwat ke atas Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Cubaan mengaitkan kes tersebut dengan kes yang berlaku pada tahun 1998 serta tuduhan konspirasi pihak-pihak tertentu hanya menganggu siasatan pihak Polis. Khabar angin yang tidak mempunyai asas sebegini akan mempengaruhi orang ramai termasuk pihak-pihak berkepentingan di luar negara untuk memberi tekanan kepada pihak kerajaan serta sistem perundangan kita. Sentimen negatif yang cuba dibangkitkan akan mendorong kepada suasana tegang dikalangan rakyat. Justeru, tindakan menyebarkan khabar angin ini mestilah dihentikan dan pihak Polis dibiarkan untuk menjalankan siasatan sepertimana dijanjikan.
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