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to yeah yeah, true. ain’t no april fool joke. (no time for jokes). point your browser now to my new wordpress blog at the url of: don’t forget to update your bookmark! my new blog is still same name but different url. no more the ‘jogalaong’ url. good …

two podcasts with me in

heh. better make it to 1001 post instead of stopping at 1000 posts. you know lah, in case there is an award thingy for ‘1000 posts and above’ or a ‘prestigious over 1000 posts club’ to join. if i stop at the 1000th post, i’ll miss the chance. as long …

1000th post… listen to my voice.

remember the workshop on podcasting, blogging and CMS? and where jerry had done a live podcast on the petrol hike protest in KL? well, all the 3 parts of the podcasts are now up. the first one is about 10 mins and had live phone interview with danny and elizabeth …

my new wordpress blog

ok i had finally decided on a theme for my new wordpress (WP) blog. there are so many choices that i just don’t know which to choose. all of them are good. i spent hours each day choosing. i picked one, and later changed my mind again when i browse …

“UMNO youth arrogant and racial” (quote)

reference my post below. malaysiakini had asked readers for respond, and here i highlight a few of the response. from shufiyan shukur: Loh Seng Kok wasn’t really far off in his speech when he complained about ‘imbalanced’ history textbooks, prayer recital guidelines and the difficulty ofnon-Muslims with regards to places …

when non-muslim MP speak up

grrr!! those UMNO bully boys were at it again! when a non muslim MP raised an issue regarding islam, they just had to give him a warning that he was raising sensitive issues, and the bully boys had to protest against what was being said. what kelana jaya MP loh …

penangites ‘water-happy’

reference my previous post about a water shortage in years to come, particularly in the klang valley, malacca and penang. i was very surprised to find out that penangites uses an average 400 litres of water per person daily compared with the national average of 300 litres. really? penangites used …

no water in years to come

frightening, isn’t it? i mean this headline that greeted me yesterday morning in the star paper. water shortage? water? one of the most essential needs in our lives? goodness! i shudder to think of a future without water… and it will be all our faults… because we never take care …

racism is alive

now, why ain’t i surprise to learn of this – ‘racism rife in malaysia’s melting pot’. this was the result of a telephone survey (among 1200 malaysians) conducted by independent merdeka centre for opinion research. in the survey, they also found out that negative racial stereotyping is very much alive …