what it takes to bring UMNO/BN down

umno_logo_terbalikanother article by wan imran wan chik on facebook. it was written 7 days ago. didn’t share it earlier as had other posts to made. today being sunday, is actually a day where i normally don’t post anything politics (but posts fun stuffs like jokes, motivational stories) but no time to look around for those stuffs, so thought to put up imran’s article. see if you agree with him on what it takes to bring UMNO down.

RPK, though said, we must bring the police down first.  the police control umno… er… umno control the police… er… same thing lah! it’s like “you scratch my back, i scratch your back”.  what RPK was saying was that  our PM should be sitting in jail because of the altantuya’s case but he did not… all because of the IGP, musa hassan.  there’s a conspiracy between the IGP/police and the PM to cover up the PM’s (and also his wife) involvement in the altantuya’s case. according to RPK, the IGP is scared of PR coming into power, because if they do, they will put him in jail (that’s why the police is all out to get PR… just look at the perak state assembly).  so PM will make sure he doesn’t go to jail since he made sure the PM doesn’t go to jail. see, you scratch my back, i scratch your back.

oh dear me, i was going to post imran’s article on what it take to bring umno down but was talking about RPK’s article instead. ok, here’s the article now (but do remember to read RPK’s too! he mentioned about being prepared for some explosive exposure on the altantuya’s case before christmas.). please click on ‘read the rest of the entry’ to read further on imran’s article. btw, i had posted earlier another article by imran too on the history of umno.


What it ‘really’  takes to bring down UMNO and BN
by Wan Imran Wan Chik

(found on facebook)

I think when dealing with so many human beings and the issues they bring…things probably are a bit ‘kecamuk’ in PR until they could properly focus on mutual strategies. But one of the BASIC problems I see going on in PR and it’s component parties is the traditional method of making individual shots at the corrupted individuals, particularly of UMNO which are TOO MANY to count coz there’s many MORE cases of corruption that are still UNSEEN or UNREPORTED yet.

But let’s truly face the facts and FOCUS here. What we’re really up against when dealing with BAZIRan Nasional which is led by UMNO is in-fact not merely individuals…but we are fighting against a SYSTEM… a SYSTEM of protectionist policies built AROUND the NEP and which is PROTECTED by it! The KEY to defeating UMNO and BN if as usual, you want to kill a snake…go for the HEAD and the HEAD of BN is UMNO as Malays are the ‘majority’ voters. Unless MALAYS themselves change…NOTHING will happen. As long UMNO keeps on feeding hatred and separatism by ‘demonizing’ other races especially the Chinese in this country…instead of promoting economic cooperation and racial understanding…NOTHING will change…and as long as our races REMAIN separate and in ENMITY towards each-other…then UMNO’s ideology or RACIAL based politics will continue and REMAIN strong. It is US…WE who have to CHANGE, to SHOW and MAKE a difference in this country.

But when we’re dealing and talking about a SYSTEM…we have to look at the BIGGER PICTURE here right now… every party and system has a LIFE FORCE…or LIFE BLOOD…and the system which FEEDS UMNO and it’s political machine are not small…coz we’re talking about almost every SOE/GLC around which has been set-up as a FRONT to so called ‘protect’ Malay rights while at the back it FUNDS the UMNO political party with projects and provides it with the capital. UMNO maintains it’s power and CONTROL by ensuring that those people appointed at the TOP level of these GLC’s along with it’s Board of Directors are pro-UMNO supporters in terms of proxies who are their cronies.

We’re talking about a BIG SYSTEM here that we’re up against…and this is what PR has NOT been focusing on. Coz battling against UMNO is like someone saying I’d like to pick a fight with ‘Mitsubishi’ corporation as the SYSTEM which funds and protects UMNO is no different than the ‘Keiratsu’ Corporations in Japan which are almost ‘fully integrated’ with a Bank at it’s heart.
One thing in COMMON though is…all these GLC’s not only provide jobs for the Malays but are also designed to MONOPOLIZE many certain markets, whether commodities, services or even utilities…

But this system is designed so well in a way that it FAVORS putting UMNO proxies and cronies at the TOP LEVEL, enriching them that they could MAINTAIN their power for as long as this form of control and favoritism is in place while keeping the majority or Malays as merely SLAVES to the system itself at LOWER employee level.

So what we should look at is the FACT that Malaysia is actually running on TWO different economic systems that are due to 50 years of Racial Based politics…SEPARATED or SEGREGATED by race itself.

The Malay Economy is a PROTECTIONIST POLICY and a ‘command economy’ similar to the type of command economist in mainland China similar to a communist system fully controlled by the government, aimed at giving EASY JOBS to Malays who want the EASY WAY OUT, where the TOP EXECUTIVE positions are reserved mainly for their own cronies and proxies in the system. It’s a system where the government makes the people jump through loops for them and the majority of people, who are the Malays just simply follow and have not much choice cause their JOBS depend on it. Government says do IT…everybody does IT. Government says do BIO-TECH…everybody does BIO-TECH.

But the Non-Malay part of the economy in fact is a more FREE-ENTERPRISE and OPEN-MARKET ECONOMY, which is very COMPETITIVE, with high risks and rewards and is a PROPER market economy that functions via Capitalism the SAME way it functions in the Industrialized Nations such as America, England, Japan, France, Germany, Italy and Canada. This in what you could call a more NORMAL functioning economy and to endeavor in such an environment economy requires skills in evaluating RISKS and making investments as well as COURAGE. This part of the Malaysian economy which for decades has been predominated by non-Malays is NOT for the weak of heart, coz to go INTO business and entrepreneurship…1 must ALWAYS be aware of opportunities and be ready to TAKE RISK as well as LOSE money at times…something which Malays are NOT used to and even AFRAID to do as the ECONOMY built by the NEP which they are USED to has very minimal or little risk dealing with Government tenders and projects which IF and WHEN awarded…they are GUARANTEED by the Federal Government…just like someone who invests in Government Securities such as a Treasury Note, Bill or Bond.

But it is in fact this SKILL at EVALUATING RISK and TAKING it, the skills to view things from an INVESTORS point of view which from the very beginning Malays LACK the most and the UMNO led government of course never BOTHERED to make sure that Malays possessed! Coz IF the Malays were to become INDEPENDENT, if they were to ACQUIRE such skills as well as more RISK TAKING attitudes such as that of an entrepreneur businessman and investor similartumbukBN to the Chinese… this in return would give BIRTH to many or more LIBERATED Malays. Malays who are MARKET ORIENTED and FREE from the NEP system which they have built and protected all this while which is designed to KEEP Malays from truly becoming INDEPENDENT and to MAKE the Malays in general DEPEND upon the Government itself. Coz as long as the Malays continue to LIVE in FEAR, are AFRAID to venture out and TAKE RISKS…UMNO will forever be in control of them and Malays remain as ADDICTS to subsidies, hand outs and feeding FROM this system which they have built.

But one of the major KEYS here right now in weakening and probably even bringing DOWN this system is by LIBERATING the Malays, both INTELLECTUALLY as well as FINANCIALLY to make them INDEPENDENT whereas they are CAPABLE of standing on their own without government aid or help. But one of the major problems going on today, the SYSTEM built by UMNO also includes the BANKING systems where either Government Sovereign Wealth Funds such as Khazanah Nasional or PNB have their hands or grip on such as Maybank, CIMB, SME Bank, Bank Pembangunan, Bank Rakyat or even Bank Islam. The same way there is TOO MUCH concentration of power in the FEDERAL Government itself where it CONTROLS much of the finances NEEDED by the States including Royalty for oil such as for Terengganu, Sabah and Sarawak. At a lower level, the SYSTEM built also controls the much NEEDED CAPITAL which Malays NEED to actually bring-up or even START-UP their very OWN businesses as most of these funds are controlled by these State-Owned-Enterprises ( SOE ) -might I remind you that SOE is the international term used most often while Malaysia is the one that likes to use the term GLC-. Although there are so called ‘bumiputra loans’ out there…in MANY cases I have come across, ironically…INDEPENDENT bumiputra’s or Malays who are ‘small millionaires’ probably owning several restaurants for example…cannot even GET the Capital or Loans they need or apply for in their business which may have been running strong for over 10 years. But a very well known secret it…much of this Capital in the Millions are usually RESERVED for certain ‘Dato’s’, Datuk’, or ‘Tan Sri’s, who are cronies or proxies of UMNO itself both for individual as well as commercial use for their companies, kept aside READY to provide funding in terms of Bridge Loans or Gap Financing for any projects given out to them by the government. So although the banks SAY that these bumiputra loans EXIST… the LARGE PORTION of this much needed capital is not MEANT for EVERYONE! Therefore finding proper INVESTORS to HELP these Malays LIBERATE themselves from the SYSTEM and the Government is hard, as very RARELY would a Malay actually APPROACH or even THINK of finding any financial help or assistance from the NON-Malays or Non-Malay companies/corporations or even Banks for that matter due to years of ENMITY and RACIAL SEPARATISM promoted by our countries politics and this system which is like a living, breathing organism or BEAST by itself…

But there are and HAVE been many instances where Non-Malays have acted merely or solely as passive investors in Malay predominant businesses as well, simply maintaining position as a ‘share-holder’ or ‘majority shareholder’, monitoring and sometimes simply helping on the management side while the business runs itself under supervision. 1 example I have seen is in-fact in the local film industry such as MetroWealth pictures owned by Producer David Teoh which produces a lot of local Malay films. Although the quality of these films are a different issue…but because there is a MARKET for such things. David’s investments in the local film industry continues to provide JOB OPPORTUNITIES in this Malay centric industry while simply maintaining his position as a Producer or Investor.

But if MANY MORE non-Malays actually LOOK at the MALAY SECTOR of the Economy purely and sorely from an INVESTORS point-of-view…they could very well see that it is a pretty much still UNDERDEVELOPED ECONOMY which still has much potential to venture in.

But if NON-Malays also look at it from a Political point of view as well… it may actually serve as BOTH a chance for investment as well as for RACIAL LIBERATION from UMNO and racial separatism and segregated economy as well.

Since the very system which has been brought up by UMNO favors UNproductive and USELESS Malays that are only useful to serving their OWN political parties agenda financially. What in-fact COULD be done by NON-Malays is FILL IN THE GAP which is missing in the local economy by taking a position as an INVESTOR to both help LIBERATE the Malays from DEPENDENCY upon the Government created NEP system towards TRAINING and TEACHING Malays to become more Market Oriented and Risk Averse in being able to stand on their own, but also learn to COOPERATE and WORK TOGETHER economically with the non-Malays in helping each-other out in business and so forth.

Since the UMNO created Government system CHOOSES and SELECTS their OWN type of Malays which have always been a BAD EXAMPLE shown towards other Malays where they see men of Wealth and Title, who simply made it through mere ‘political know WHO’.

The NON-Malays in Malaysia could in-fact come up with the opposite by CHOOSING and SELECTING their very OWN Malays to bring-up who are the exact OPPOSITES of the types of Malays which the UMNO Government system has brought up or fostered.

Malays who are OPEN MINDED, more LIBERAL, who BELIEVE in hard work and self-honor and who are NOT judgmental or even RACIST for that matter. THESE particular type of Malays who are usually a bit more VOCAL and OUTSPOKEN, OPINIONED are usually PURPOSELY segregated and LEFT OUT by the UMNO NEP bred Malays as they are seen as DIFFERENT and sometimes due to their EDUCATION…a THREAT to their very SYSTEM. And there are MANY of these Malays in-fact out there.

Malays whom if brought up, in-fact have MORE potential to succeed GLOBALLY where the UMNO system could NOT succeed as it only applies DOMESTICALLY where the NEP system applies. But THESE NEW Malays if brought up, nurtured and given a ‘chance’ would become the BETTER EXAMPLES for other Malays to follow in their footsteps and take PRIDE in, as these Malays are those who succeeded based on their own SKILLS as well as PASSION and DETERMINATION…and not simply by KNOW WHO or getting simple hand-outs.

The KEY to dropping Barisan Nasional today is in-fact by focusing on efforst towards changing the mindsets of the majority in Malaysia who are the Malays and also in focusing on UMNO’s efforts which most often FAILS and only favors it’s OWN cronies and proxies.

A movement towards a Financial LIBERATION of the Malays is what is going to be needed to go up against the NEP Protectionist system which aims and targets to Financially ENSLAVE the majority of Malays and keep them UNDER CONTROL of the Federal Government and those who are in power at the TOP LEVEL of UMNO’s politics.

Financial FREEDOM is the 1 difference that you could see in Barisan Nasional itself between MCA and UMNO whereby even in MCA they ‘change’ their leaders every now and then and could even vote ‘against’ them as majority of Chinese in Malaysia do NOT depend upon the NEP and government tenders & contracts. Such FREEDOM turns the table around in terms of political powers where those ‘elected’ have to LISTEN to the people electing them if not they will LOSE their vote of confidence. Whereas in UMNO whereby a MAJORITY of Malays DEPEND upon the NEP and work for the Government, it is the leaders who call the shots and the people who are just workers, employees or contractors have to LISTEN giving such people almost unlimited powers.

But IF for example a movement towards weakening the very NEP system, for eg. minimizing ‘deposits’ in GLC Banks and transferring the money/savings to more independent banks out there, this in-fact would help ‘weaken’ the system as many of these GLC Banks also are the main providers of capital to all the projects or mega projects developed by government. This could also be done at a more State level, especially states under Pakatan Rakyat rule.

But one of the best method in-fact would be to set-up a Trust Fund which functions almost like a Venture Capital company which helps invests in NEW MALAYS as mentioned above with the aim of LIBERATING them and TEACHING the Malays to be more business savvy and financially independent. These companies could also later be ‘merged’ with non-Malay companies which it invests in which have a good potential for merging to create stronger truly MALAYSIAN companies with a more diverse ethnic background not only in terms of board of directors and company executives or personnel, but through economic cooperation…such Malaysian companies products and services would truly be able to tap into a more DIVERSE market all across Malaysia and sell it’s products and services to ALL races, making them much stronger. As for insurance…the companies main charter would also include EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYMENT and Anti-Discrimination to breed out racism asides from ensuring that these Malay entreprenuers who are CHOSEN are NOT the Feudal Type of Malays of UMNO and are also NOT racist themselves.

One of the types of companies which could also be grown, may also develop into a more ‘independent’ Bank or Financial Institution later on which helps to provide the capital needed by smaller Malay firms themselves which could not gain capital from the GLC owned banks eventhough they qualify.

As the saying goes:

“If you give a boy a fish, he’ll eat for a day. But if you TEACH a boy to fish,
he could eat EVERYDAY!”

And THIS is in-fact where UMNO and the Government has in-fact FAILED in truly bringing up the Malays, as they had not MAKE sure and more likely than not DELIBERATELY ENSURED that Malays do NOT possess the RIGHT skills to survive out there in the world INDEPENDENTLY from government by themselves. To possess the right knowledge in business and financial management and to learn how to stategically plan and invests their money for the long run, which has been a problem among Malays since the very beginning BEFORE the NEP itself when the British introduce the modern economy using currencies.

But if WE who believe in TRUE UNITY for this nation work and cooperate together and even lend a helping hand to each other. We could END this separatism and racial segregation which aims only at DIVIDING us against one another while ENSLAVING others only to some corrupted politicians benefit and their families and cronies.

All this while UMNO has taught Malays to HATE the other races, particularly the Chinese…in some ways ‘demonizing’ them as well as the Indians. Going as far as even claiming that the Chinese had STARTED the May 13 incident when history shows that it was in-fact UMNO and it’s racism which had started that incident which sacrificed hundreds of innocent lives that later on led to the NEP which indirectly was built on the blood of hundred’s of innocents.

But if WE work together as Malaysians, and together PROVIDE the skills to TEACH the Malays to become independent and business savvy, as well as work together in assisting in LIBERATING them… WE could prove all the lies told all this while WRONG!
For it is only WE who can truly make a change in this country by starting with US.

But if WE could also help bring up these NEW Malays, particularly those who are NON-RACIST, that do not SHARE the same negative values taught by UMNO and the older Feudalistic generation, these Malays who aim high and to become GLOBAL would also become a shining example to OTHER Malays that you do not NEED the NEP or government in order to succeed, just talent, skills, knowledge along with the courage, passion and determination to succeed…you CAN make it. And when Malays in general begin to SEE the success of these NEW INDEPENDENT MALAYS…it would also begin to CHANGE their minds, perspectives and views of OTHER races who had helped bring about this positive change which the government has deliberately FAILED to do…when COMPARED these NEW INDEPENDENT and MARKET ORIENTED Malays to the NEP Government bred Malays… the NEP UMNO fed & bred Malays will only SHY in comparison as they are LESS DYNAMIC, LESS INNOVATIVE, LESS CREATIVE and LESS CONFIDENT in themselves to set or even become good examples for ALL Malays to follow. This will also indirectly help people LOSE their confidence in UMNO which enforces and PROTECTS the NEP bred system itself.

If we could help do THIS…through economic cooperation and collaboration. Then our NEXT step towards ending the racial separation and segregation that exist in our country today…and our move towards RACIAL EQUALITY would come a step even CLOSER to reality.

Let’s END the ENSLAVEMENT and bring down the system today!!!

(note:   pictures here are taken from the ‘say no to umno’ blog)

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