RPK – altantuya statutory declaration

RPKwow! you gotta hand it to this guy. he really got style. having disappeared without any trace, now he surfaced on the net to continue his attack. well, that was what the malaysian insider heading said – RPK renews attacks over altantuya’s allegations on youtube.

good that this video came out – let’s start talking about altantuya. er… got gag order or not? i’m sure at the bagan pinang by election, the govt. will put a gag order! up to now the murderers or rather the master-mind behind altantuya’s murders are out there. i wonder what happened to the 2 policemen who were on trial (they were only scapegoat! the real murderers/mastermind were not touched at all!). how come no hear of them at all? they still in jail? or they had left the country with new identities?

ok, here is the video of RPK attacking the police and AG. he mentioned about selective prosecution… well isn’t that the same as double standard? see, what did i tell you! DOUBLE STANDARD AGAIN! non stop i tell you. next my blog post heading should be ‘malaysia – the land of double standard’!!

the following is the description info for the video:

RPK explains how his statutory declaration with regards to the murder of Altantuya intended for the Prosecutor’s eyes only was published without his permission by those who looked to undermine its contents.

direct link to watch it on youtube.

links mentioned in the video info:

the ‘let’ send altantuya’s murderers to hell‘ article
the statutory declaration (SD)

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