factions within the police force
whoa! after the lingam tape, here comes another kopi-tiam talk for all of us – an interesting revelation by commercial crime Investigation department (CCID) director ramli yusuff (picture, left, taken from malaysiakini) that he was the person being investigated for the RM27 million in undeclared assets. not only that of course… with that only, there’s no oomph in the revelation for an interesting kopi tiam talk. well to add the sambal to made it more oomph, he also alleged that CCID officers had been victimised by the police and there was mistreatment by the ACA. after his department took action against an alleged underworld kingpin.
from malaysiakini:
Commercial Crimes Investigation Department (CCID) director Ramli Yusuff today strongly hinted that he and his officers were being victimised after his department took action against an alleged underworld kingpin.
At a press conference today, Ramli said he believed the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) started an investigation on him after his department began its probe on Johor-based businessman Goh Cheng Poh @ Tengku, who is allegedly an underworld kingpin.
At a press conference in Kuala Lumpur today, Ramli revealed that he was being investigated by the ACA since July on the grounds that he had undeclared assets amounting to RM27 million.
In October, he said four of his officers involved in the case had been charged in court for allegedly falsifying witness statements.
If you read between the lines, I think you can see what is happening," said Ramli, when asked why he included detailed accounts of investigations against Goh in a three-page statement distributed to the press today.
Ramli denied allegations that he had amassed RM27 million and that he had already made a declaration of his assets to the ACA.
According to my accountant, my source of income is more than my assets, even after almost 38 years in the force. It is up to the ACA to make an evaluation.
But to say that I have RM27 million is incorrect. (My accounts are in record). If I made a declaration that is false, it is an offence," he said.
Trial by media
Ramli then questioned how the press manage to know about the allegations when the notice served to him under Section 32 (1) (A) was supposed to be confidential.
Therefore I don’t know how this could have been leaked. According to New Straits Times and Berita Harian, their source is from the ACA," he said.
On the effects of the media reports, Ramli said it was embarrassing and had taken a toll on his personal life.
He said it was not fair for the ACA to reveal such information to the press as no action had been taken against him.
I’ve been suffering for three months since (the news) appeared in the papers. The papers didn’t clarify with me either. I think it’s not fair. I’m an ordinary human being. I have feelings. I have my family," he said.
On the ACA’s submission of a police informant’s name in a court proceeding by Goh, Ramli paraphrased Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s call for authorities to protect whistleblowers.
So I think we, we as the police force must protect our informants. That is my stand," he said.
Malaysiakini told to leave
At the beginning of the press conference, Malaysiakini journalists were asked to leave the room.
When Malaysiakini caught up with Ramli later, the senior police officer explained that he wanted to avoid making the briefing look like a ‘political forum’.
The press conference is not political. It was just to clarify matters," he said.
Malaysiakini was however able to obtain a recording of the event and Ramli’s press statement.
More than 20 uniformed officers of various ranks were also present at the press conference to show support for Ramli.
Below is an excerpt of from the press conference.
Rumours of resignation
No, no, no… I’m not going to resign. Why should I resign? I have got another few months to go.
Status of investigations against him
The investigations is still on. But I’m waiting for ACA officers to come and interview me… Anytime… I can answer whatever questions they will ask.
(Silence from reporters)
Go ahead. Ask me. Maybe you reporters have repeated the same things so many times. Now let’s be open. I had to keep quiet because the case was under investigation. But now, I’ve made my (asset) declaration, it is only right that I make a small press statement.
Are you saying that the press is being manipulated by certain quarters?
I don’t want to say. I think you yourself should know what you’ve done to me.
Why are you only making this statement now?
Because I allow ACA to do their own investigations first. I have to be fair to them, but they are not being fair to me by leaking information. They have breached Section 21(4) of the Anti Corruption Act 1964.
How did this investigation on you crop up?
It was mentioned in a notice (from ACA) that there was a report lodged against me. I was very surprised because until September 2006, I was cleared of any corruption allegations.
That’s why I was confirmed as a three-star general. If I am under ACA investigation, definitely, they won’t confirm my rank. But, when I was about to get my PGPP (Pingat Gagah Pasukan Polis) – the highest award from the police force – it was cancelled because I was under ACA investigation.
Who lodged the police report against you?
That you have to ask ACA.
Do you have enemies within the force?
No. I don’t make enemies.
How is your relationship with the IGP?
Very good. It’s very cordial. I have no problems with him. We’ve been working together for many years. There is no question of having any problems with him. We respect each other.
in the meantime, the police chief, musa, said no, there’s no rift in the police force.
"So far there’s none. There is a difference of opinions. Is the difference of opinions considered a rift?" asked Musa at a packed press conference at the sidelines of the 14th Malaysian Law Conference today.
hey, do sign up with malaysiakini to continue reading ok? it’s not expensive and you get lots of interesting (and usually never able to read elsewhere) news. i’m not going to post all news/article from malaysiakini in my blog to be fair to malaysiakini. anyway you can read about this sensational exposure in the star too here, here and here.
ok coming back to the rift in the police force… er… the… er… difference of opinion in the police force (so to take after musa), all this started when ramli was investigated by ACA that he had undeclared assets of RM27 million, of which he denied. he only came forward to reveal and confirm he was the RM27 million man being investigated yesterday. in doing so, he also made ‘damning allegations against the ACA for comprising the identities of police informants.’
well well, a drama is going to unfold before our eyes concerning the police force i guess.
our two famous YB bloggers had blog on this too:
jeff ooi – RM27 mil man and a made-by police expose
lim kit siang – police at war with itself
and a not so famous but good frined blogger:
ktemoc – gang war? but within police force.
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