umnoputra drifting to extremism

the keris waving and all those racist and seditous remarks of the umnoputra in the recently ended general assembly really draw the world attention. many foreign media had reported about it… and now the latest, it was in newsweek… with the heading ‘drifting towards extremism‘.

The meeting of the united Malays National Organization, the ruling pro-Muslim party in Malaysia, was a shocking display of divisiveness. Some UMNO delegates at the rally, which ended Nov. 17, gave speeches that, either explicitly or in veiled terms, were racist or called for violence as a means of settling religious or political differences.

‘… called for violence as a means of settling religious or political differences.’ – i like that. indeed so true of those umnoputra… and to a certain extend some non umnoputra look at the case of the muslim mob who disrupted the article 11 conference in penang (which was mentioned in this newsweek article) and the recent sms rumour protest in the ipoh church. they never understand the meaning of dialogue at all.
this newsweek article also talks about indonesia. in fact it’s like a comparison between these 2 muslim countries. it looks at these two countries, how the PM viewed themselves as moderate islam countries… but questioned, with all the recent going-on, are they drifting towards extremism.

UPDATED: found out from howsy’s blog that another foreign magazine, the economist also feature this issue.

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