what happened to our court?

huh? they all walked free? who killed teenager, china national, xu jian huang then?

i find this news very disturbing indeed. i thought the evidence were right there in front of their (the court) noses and yet now we learned that the soul of the teenager who was tortured to death will be restless as justice was not due to him. indeed, together with his dad, i will also exclaimed ‘i cannot understand how this can happen‘.

according to the judge, there were many points unresovled, that’s why the trio walked away free. unresolved or shody works on the part of the police, prosecution, judge?? read the report from NST which tells us that there are doubts and more doubts. go on… you’ve got to read it… it will for sure raise lots of doubts in you.

(picture from NST, showing jian huang’s parents, the mother holding on to jian huang’s picture)

brendan pereira, NST reporter also had a good piece warning us that somebody need to be concerned. yes, indeed… concerned because the case of xu jian huang is the 3rd high profile criminal cases where the prosecution lost. read the article to jog your memory on the other 2 cases.

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