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bloggers MP and ADUN

drum roll please!………… presenting to you bloggers who just became MP (members of parliament) and ADUN (dewan undangan negeri – state assembly-man)…… and all whom i had met before. 1. JEFF OOI – MP for jelutong, penangi had known jeff for a long long time… long before he became a …

why khairy won

UPDATED:  the result of the press conference, as reported by malaysiakini – ‘PKR may challenge khairy’s rembau win’. – scroll down to read. early sunday morn, when i was watching the election result on TV, on hearing that samy velu lost, i shouted and cheered ‘yeh! yeh!’. so happy. however …

my election observation mission

yes, during the election i had been working hard as MAFREL (malaysian for free and fair election) election observer. i had attended 3 ceramah for observation. many of the others observers too had been attending the ceramah of course. there were about 40 of us observers in penang island. i …

thank you for denying BN the 2/3 majority

yes you did it! you voted for change! you denied BN the 2/3! so for this year’s election, my shout of ‘deny BN 2/3!’ is not in vain, unlike in the 2004 election year. yes i remember at the 2004 election, i had been pasting the ‘deny BN 2/3’ banner …

hurray! DAP takes penang

makkal sathi! the people of penang had spoken! penangite’s power! we had voted BN out! yes, penangite voted for change! our new CM will be DAP’s secretary-general, lim guan eng. up to date (1.50am), opposition had captured kedah, selangor and kelantan too and perak too might fall under opposition. this …

wow! jeff ooi can sing!

yep! jeff ooi played the guitar and sang at last night DAP’s biggie ceramah at the han chiang school. it was a good change from all the speeches we heard. yes i attended the ceramah, which was held on the field this time, unlike the previous one which was held …

boring BN ceramah (with ‘big guns’!)

UPDATED: see report from the star and malaysiakini last night attended the BN ceramah at rifle range flats car park which see the attendance of badawi and his wife, and all the big guns of MCA and gerakan (koh tsu koon, ong ka ting, lim keng yaik, teng hock nan, …

election commission (EC) – LIAR!!

the EC had misled us. after agreeing to have indelible ink and so much statement about how much the ink would cost and they would be buying it – today, 4 days before polling, they announced indelible ink would not be used!! grrr!!read about it at malaysiakini: very angry at …

mini protest at army camp

remember the press conference MAFREL members had at the abandoned army camp at jalan sultan ahmad shah regarding phantom voters? well yesterday a small group of us held a protest there, calling for a press conference. only 3 press came – merdeka review, malaysiakini and one chinese press. we were …