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umnoputra drifting to extremism

the keris waving and all those racist and seditous remarks of the umnoputra in the recently ended general assembly really draw the world attention. many foreign media had reported about it… and now the latest, it was in newsweek… with the heading ‘drifting towards extremism‘. The meeting of the united …

charged the mufti of perak!

it was him. he was the one who started it. though he claimed that the message was started by a woman who went to see him about the alleged baptism, but he had a hand in helping to spread the rumour. the woman, so he claimed, came to him as …

ask the funny, witty, sexy ms dewey

the hot topic these days seems to be the murder of mongolian model altantuya shaariibuu. many bloggers had blog on it too. no, i’m not going to blog about it (at least not now) since one can read/hear about it almost everywhere. too much of the same subject will… well… …

no blogging for the weekend

that’s right. i’ll be away for the weekend again…not for pleasure but for business. weekend work. we are having a seminar on ‘catholic morality for the third millennium’ and i’ll be away for 2 nights beginning tonight. thus no blogging for 2 days (saturday and sunday). here, i’ll leave you …

Malaysian Mathematician

found posted in beritamalaysia. —– I find it most alarming that Malaysian schools teach our children the wrong things. I mean: can the children really apply what they are taught in school later in life? For example, can you imagine a mathematics question in a recent examination as follows? “If …

liars in UMNO

my post ‘khairy should learn from the pope‘ refers. it seems that there is this person who wrote to malaysiakini share the same view as me. excerpt from his letter: And how dare the Umno Youth deputy leader blow so much hot air over racial matters when he has absolutely …