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prayer for the new year

come new year, as usual you will see many people talking bout resolutions or wishes, or some will give an account of whatever significant things/events that happened to her/him during the year. me? i don’t believe in resolutions and wishes?? same thing… they’ll be only wishful thinking. so what i’m …

no justice

==================== wanted to post this last night but i was not at home and thus have no internet access. for these few days i will not be at home and might not have internet access, so i guess there won’t be much blogging from me…. unless if i stay back …

towering over the pyramid

i don’t get it, someone please enlighten me. how on earth can draping the jalur gemilang (malaysian flag) on the pyramid of giza in egypt be consider as a peace mission? oh, and a ‘towering malaysian’ deed too. UPDATE: they are not going to drap only the jalur gemilang but …

the naked truth by martin jalleh

One does not need to be a seasoned or sharp politician to spot the naked reality that little has changed in this country in spite of the PM’s constant chant of change. The charade of change can be easily seen by the naked eye. Since the last general elections Pak …

casino to generate big money in tourism?

ok ok no more post on baby jesus or christmas (but it is still christmas today ok!) but back to my normal social commentary/current issues posts. yesirre, the reason i started this blog is for that reason… though of course now i do make personal posts once in a while …

*phweet!* what luscious lovely D size cup breast!

whoaa!! nice! the dream of many women and the fascination of every men. men, you enjoy oogling at it, don’t you? (now now, ah pek, don’t drool.) who do you think own this beautiful huge pair of boobs? dolly parton? pamela sue anderson? paris hilton? ok ok, after you are …

today is still christmas

warning! a ‘religiousy’ post on jesus christ. do not proceed if you feel not obligated to. ———————— The word for Christmas in late Old English is Cristes Maesse, the Mass of Christ, first found in 1038, and Cristes-messe, in 1131. In Dutch it is Kerst-misse, in Latin Dies Natalis, whence …

tsunami – a year ago

“The Dec. 26 earthquake off the coast of Sumatera had a magnitude of 9.3, making it the second most powerful earthquake ever recorded, surpassed only by a 9.5 monster in Chile in 1960. It wrenched up the sea floor along a 1,200km line, unleashing waves that towered up to 15m.” …

happy birthday, jesus…

for… Long time ago in Bethlehem so the Holy Bible said Mary’s boy child Jesus Christ was born on Christmas Day. All across the land dawns a brand new morn This comes to pass when a child is born Yea, Lord, we greet thee, Born this happy morning Christ the …