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Lucia Lai

mini bus experiences

the mini buses (on the extreme left, and the third one on the right, with the other buses at the KOMTAR/prangin mall bus interchange. photo taken from the china press. came across this article by a friend, anil netto via politics101. anil wrote in IPS that the citizen for public …

hypocrites! double standard! selective persecution!

… but then again, what else is new ah in boleland? re: cartoon caricature – UMNO youth called on the sarawak tribune editor to resign after, the paper had published the caricature. the UMNO-reform website had also published the cartoon for one week but nothing was done to them. re: …

interesting novel way to promote your blog

i came across this site (left) from someone’s blog (by the name of hinching) in PPS. i find it a fascinating and novel way to promote your blog (read: drive traffic to your blog). right now it is free to have your blog listed, so quick go and sign up. …

off with the heads of those who insult islam?

when i looked at the star’s paper dated 5 feb front-page headline (hardcopy), the big words “stop the insult” jumped up at me. (the online version link here, the heading is different). then when i go to politics101 blog, this picture jumped up at me: whoaa! behead? i thought only …

the CNY gathering

UPDATED: the podcast is ready! quick, download it here at once and listen to my voice (among a few others). or go to penang podcast and download it. ================ 19 17 people turned up for our CNY gathering! i met yvy near prangin mall’s starbuck and later on, pras joined …

CNY gathering for all interested

reminder! reminder! CNY gathering tomorrow! more than 10 people have confirmed coming. we are going to have lots of fun there. there’ll be a podcast, web cam demo, live online chat (and maybe many more). come and find out. this is not for bloggers only but any netizens wil do …

a nude head after being detained

gee… are the police obssessed with nudity or what. first we heard of nude body squat search (the squat-gate scandal), and now it’s nude head. that’s right, 11 elderly men who were playing a friendly game of mahjong, suddenly found themselves hauled up to the police station and they received …

wrong CNY greetings

i wrote this on 31 jan. to the star’s citizen’s blog, and was hoping it would get published in the star’s hardcopy but it was not. i know only selected articles would get published and there are so many who sent in their citizen’s blog but only a few get …

is pak lah fair?

“i’ve to be fair to all” so says our PM, pak lah. well, let me ask him, can the bumiputera steps onto the right side shoes and the non bumiputera steps onto the left side shoes, and together become one pair of the same shoes – having the same rights …