malaysia getting more corrupt – no surprise!

CPI_ratingsthis was what anti-graft watchdog transparency international (TI) had found out in its global corruption perceptions index (CPI) 2009 .

last year malaysia was 47 in ranking out of 180 countries worldwide with a corruption index score of 4.5 out of 10, with 10 being the least corrupt. this year, it is 56! 9 levels up! corruption is increasing! why am i not surprise!

what in the world is MACC doing? ahh… MACC is busy concentrating on the small fishes only, like the late teoh beng hock over some RM2000 while big fishes like khir toyo with RM20,000 hanging over his head, escape from MACC.

oh well, what to do, MACC is servant to UMNO, so dare not catch the big fishes.

at any rate, even if they do, just look at how UMNO handle someone who was found guilty of money politics (the name UMNO like to use instead of ‘corruption’).  oh well, what to do, money politics is the game of UMNO, the ruling coalition. er… sorry, BN is the ruling coalition but UMNO is king, controlling the other parties in BN so it looks like UMNO is the ruling coalition.  well sure non UMNO parties also plays the money politics games but not as rampant as UMNO!

it’s sad, isn’t it, to see our country sinking deeper and deeper in the sea of corruption. as lim kit siang said, shameful. look at our neighbour down south – it got no. 3 ranking! can’t even made a comparision with the world apart difference.  i really hope one day malaysia will come close to singapore… er… will it?

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