the great cover-up?

a little bird told me….

regarding teoh beng hock’s case.

he was found alive around 6.00am. his body was found only at 1.30pm. what happened between 6.00am to 1.30pm?

well the little bird told me that in between those time, MACC and the police, who are both under the UMNO led government, were in a hush-hush meeting to mastermind how the police can make sure that MACC is not held responsible for teoh’s death.

“we’ll say it is suicide and all your investigation please make sure you point it to suicide or he fell” said MACC “you help us, we help you, and we help UMNO”.   how? well remember at one time the IGP was questioned by MACC for some corruption practice but was realeased. the little bird was sure the IGP was guilty but MACC let him go. so now MACC strike the deal with the IGP “you make sure teoh’s death was suicide or at least made sure we were not responsible for his death, then we make sure we will not question you anymore on corruption practises.”

thus the real reason teoh died… caused by MACC will be covered up.

no, i did not came up with this theory but i really heard it through conversations here and there.  of course i can’t say i believe the little bird nor can i say i don’t believe.   it is something interesting  for me… for everyone… to think of.

as time goes by, i will put up any stories i heard from ‘little birds’.  i hope the gomen won’t say i’m inciting… er… inciting what…?? hatred for MACC? i hope the gomen won’t say this is an abuse of the internet – using it to post nonsense, unfounded allegations and all that. well, it’s a free world. i can post anything i like BUT it is up to the people to judge they believe or not believe or well… treat what i posted (from little birds) as nonsense!

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