double standard! double standard!…

… but what else is new???

i am referring to SK’s (mageP’s lab) post about the recent rally by umno… er… sorry… by some malays NGO held in penang. he had said it all what i had wanted to say.

the rally happened on a day when i was not in penang (was in KL) so i missed the news actually and only saw it when i was back in penang on tues., 30 dec. reading it, i was very incensed and had wanted to blog about it but 1) a little tired and 2) wordpress blog is loading so damn slow. been like that for past few days. anyone on wordpress experienced this?

back to the news. if you read SK’s post, he was talking about the double standard the police applied on ‘chidlren involving in protests’. not too long ago, the JERIT bicycle campaign had teenagers involved and the selangor police chief said it was wrong and even want to charge dr jeyakumar for involving children… but look at the malay NGO in penang… they involved much more children than the JERIT bicycle campaign – about 400 of them! what did the police do? closed an eye!! yes, plain blatant double standard! :mad

ok let me talk about the rally, taking the news from malaysiakini – 1,500 rally to defend malay rights, ISA.

Protesters in Penang today called on Malay rulers to revoke the citizenship of Malaysians who dispute Malay special rights and demanded safeguards to their special position as enshrined in the constitution.

are these group of malays NGO very insecure or what? they have to call on the rulers to safeguard their special positions? haha. hahaha. and why can’t we talk about malay special rights? what happened to freedom of speech? yes, we ‘talked’ about it but to them, they said were ‘disputing’ about it. haha. insecure fools!

revoke the citizenship of malaysians who dispute malay special rights? that serious? wow! sounds like they want the country to be free of non malays.

The call by the Malaysian Coalition of Malay NGOs was made at a gathering in conjunction with Maal Hijrah celebrations in Georgetown.

a protest (which, as you will see later, is racist and trying to cause disharmony) on a day of holy celebration? oic. maybe that was the only way they can get the crowd. had some holy celebration first, followed by the protest. well, wasn’t it that most of their protests were held after the friday prayer? remember the umno protest a week after march 8? it was held after friday prayers! yes, that was a good time to get the crowd for one thing but for another i wonder, why pray pray then suddenly come out to shout and issue warning to people?

Some 1,500 people – including 400 children – from a group of 20 Malay organisations joined the two-hour gathering which kicked off at 9am in Polo Ground, outside Sri Mutiara, the official residence of the Penang governor.

2 hours? did they have a permit? if not, how come, they were given so long a time – 2 hours! our anti-ISA vigil we had it for 1/2 an hour, the police already made noise!

About 50 police personnel, both in uniform and plainclothes, kept a close watch on the gathering.

oy, no light strike force action police kah? with their batons and shields? no water canon or tear gas on standby?

The document also called on Malaysians to defend Islam as the nation’s official religion, the granting of immunity to the Malay royalty and the upholding of the draconian Internal Security Act to protect national security.

good on ya! you are true muslim who are for an act that trample on human rights. way to go!

At the press conference later, Md Radzi – who estimated the crowd at 4,000 – said that gathering was to warn the people not to dispute the country’s constitution by raising issues that “could disrupt communal harmony”.

whoa! warning! i’m scared! who the hell are you to warn people?? and who the hell are you to determine what could disrupt communal harmony? if i may be like you, i’ll say then you are the one who is causing communal harmony with the protest you organised which touch on race and religion, with the warning that the protest issued and so on.

He said the coalition felt it was timely and imperative to hold such a gathering to remind Malaysians about their responsibility to safeguard the constitution, the royalty, social contract, and the nation’s peace and harmony.

yeah yeah i can see the ‘to remind’ as another word for ‘to warn’ too. social contract? haven’t a lot of people established that there is no such thing as the social contract? hey, md radzi, you might as well said "to safeguard ketuanan melayu".

Of late, he pointed out that many Malaysians have stirred Malay sentiments over a slew of issues.

"By disputing the aspirations of the constitution, some are inciting racial tension and communal disharmony," said Md Radzi, who is also Yayasan Aminul Ummah Malaysia president.

what you were doing now – i mean at the rally – was not inciting racial tension and communal disharmony? there you were, talking all about malay rights and so on, everything malay. just imagine if it were the chinese or indians who gathered over thousand people and talk about chinese/indian issues, we’ll have the big guns umno MP coming up and firing them for being racial. and of course we have the police arresting some of the people.

He wants those who whip up racial sentiments to be detained without trial under ISA.

ok, let’s start with you… and what about the 400 children at the rally? what about ahmad ismail? what about kerismuddin?

Md Radzi also called on Malaysians to respect the laws and to recognise the rights of various communities in the country to live in peace and harmony.

"rights of various communities" – but the rally is all about malays. so please lah don’t mention various communities. at any rate, if it is so "various communities" why then is it always a ‘one way traffic’ – it is always the non malays who have to respect the rights of the malays while it cant’ be the other way round.

"Anyone who challenged this should be detained under ISA and the person’s citizenship should be revoked," he said.

gee. so he wants another ruling add to ISA, apart from detention without trial, now ISA should also be where the detainees citizenship are revoked. talk about amending the ISA!!

Although the gathering supports the continued existence of ISA, Md Radzi nonetheless cautioned the government against abusing the tough security law and called on the authorities to use their wisdom when invoking the law.

"ISA shall be applied only when there is a real threat to the country’s security," he said.

ohh… he’s being a good boy now. is he? so what is a ‘real threat’ according to him? people who just want to talk and discuss about the consitution, the NEP, the malay special rights – that is consider as real threat? he already said anyone who challenged the special rights of the malays should be detained under ISA, so that is consider as a real threat. ahh… i see now why he (and other malays like him) want to kekalkan ISA.

The four-point memorandum also warned that the patience exercised by the Malays thus far shall not be construed as a sign of weakness or fear.

"Malays have kept quiet so far to maintain peace and harmony, but don’t disturb the bees hive or you can be destroyed," stated the memorandum.

wow! WOW! the warning again!!  first of all – "the malays" – were you speaking for all the hundred thousands of malays in the country?  then – "or you can be destroyed" – what did you mean by that? were you inciting another may 13 coming up? this is serious, man, serious! reminds me of the umno AGM 2 years back, where many of those arrogant umnoputera stood up to say such things.

Many teenagers at the gathering carried banners with slogans written in both Malay and Jawi such as ‘Kesabaran Melayu Ada Batas’ (Malays’ Patience Has Limits), ‘Jangan Hina Nabi Muhammad SAW’ (Don’t Insult Nabi Muhammad), ‘Jangan Pertikaikan ISA’ (Don’t Dispute ISA). ‘Kekebalan Raja Raja Dipertahankan’ (Defend the Royal Immunity), and ‘Jangan Pertikaikan Hak Orang Melayu’ (Don’t Dispute Malay Rights).

Other banners included ‘Melayu dan Mamak Bersatu’ (United Malays and Indian Muslims) and ‘Jangan Ulang 13 Mei’ (Don’t Repeat May 13).

see? they were using children! (teenagers according to the selangor police chief are children). see? they were the one who bring up the may 13 ghost!!  i bet those teenagers didn’t know what they were doing but were forced by the adults to be there and to hold the banners.  just look at all the words on the banner. kind of really made me laugh.

Most of the participants were wearing red-coloured head-bands depicting the ‘Allahu Akbar’ slogan and pro-ISA black T-shirts.

the latter – pro-ISA black t-shirts, i can buy that but the allahu akbar slogan? why bring religion in?

Among those seen at the gathering were Umno Bukit Mertajam division leader Musa Sheikh Fadzir and Tanjung Umno deputy leader Raja Munir Shah Raja Mustapha.

ahh the kepala were also there. no wonder the police didn’t do anything? hey, khalid (selangor police chief), shouldn’t you consider to charge both of them, being leaders, for letting children be involved in the protest? that was what you wanted to do to dr. jeyakumar, MP for sg. siput.

The organisers had originally planned to march from the state mosque to Polo Ground, but this was rejected by the police.

but the gathering at the polo ground – got permit kah? if they have a permit, then by all means i support them to have the rally – it’s their rights. however, i don’t like the way they were playing up racial sentiments. yes if they have permit, i support them to have the rally but it doesn’t mean i have to like what they were protesting about, thus i am speaking up my view here!

Although some teenagers wanted to march after the gathering, they dispersed after they were warned against it by the police.

were the organisers using the children? they thought if children wanted to march, the police will relented? they themselves wanted to march but they purposely let the children want to march, so that in the hope, they could all march?

didn’t the sultan of selangor just recenlty voiced his concern agains using children in protest (or so it had been reported)? and why did khalid, the selangor police chief was so silent on this protest that used children when he was so vocal (and aggressive and lying) on the JERIT bicycle campaign that used children? ok back to the heading – DOUBLE STANDARD! read again SK’s post – he stated that the IGP owe us an explanation. yep, rightly so, mr IGP musa hassan!… but will he?  if he did so, i wonder what kind of spin he will be telling us!!!

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