aliran is shocked at the RCI…

… but i’m not!

aliran is shocked and devastated at the royal commission of inquiry’s (RCI) decision not to call anwar as a witness.

i was not shocked because this was as expected lah! it was anwar, and not only him but including others like lim kit siang and the malaysian bar, who insisted that the RCI’s head, haidar, should not be in the commission but now that he is in, do you think he will want anwar as a witness? after all, he was a ‘dr m’s man’ remember. speaking of which, methinks most people think when dr m testified, the RCI did not grilled him enough as they were scared of him.

the RCI is really turning into a circus. imagine witnesses saying things like:
"i was bull-shitting"
"i have a right not to answer"
"it’s my house, i can do anything i like"
"it’s my prerogative to do what i like"
"i don’t remember"
"i don’t remember"
"i don’t remember"

and RCI accepted all these?

anwar was not the only witness RCI decided not to call as witness but also his 2 buddies in PKR, r. sivarasa and sim tze tsin and also lingam’s brother thirunama. what does this tells?

Anwar and his two colleagues were at the centre of the Lingam video controversy. The video was made public and police reports were made. Surely they have a right to appear before the Commission to give evidence. Without them, there would be no Commission.

The Commission must be reminded, “One’s first step in wisdom is to question everything – and one’s last is to come to terms with everything.”

so said aliran which i fully agree. do read the whole article of aliran here as it is very eye-opening, like the part on eusof chin’s testimony.

in the meantime, the former CJ, ahmad fairus exclaimed that this is all fabrication, while anwar released the 3rd part of the lingam video… er… 3rd part of lingam bullshitting (so lingam claimed). hop over to anwar’s blog to view the video and read the transcript.


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