cruel parents

damn! it happened again! a parent killing his own children after killing himself.
(or you can read it from present point power blog, where there are lots of pictures).

each time i read of this kind of happening, i get more mad than sad! :mad sure i feel sad for the children but my feeling at the parent/s is stronger. for god’s sake, dear father (or mother but most of the time it was father), if you want to die, you die alone lah, why bring along your innocent kids to die too?  after all, the problem is yours, the fight is yours, if you cannot face your problems or become so angry or sad at a fight, and want to die, by all means go ahead and do so… BUT do you have to drag along your children and kill them as well??  what wrong had they done? why should they follow you to die? why, is it that you think they should die together with you?  aren’t you being selfish? your can’t solve your own problems or you can’t handle your own problems and you are taking it out on your children.

prior to this incident, anyone remember somewhere last year, the incident where this parents who decided to end it all after owing ah loong a lot of money? yes, and they decided their children should end it all too. so they planned to kill themselves and their children (4 or was it 3?  think they switch on the gas to kill them) but in the end after managing to kill their children, they cowardly decided not to kill themselves!! the poor children were dead! and they, the parents were not dead!! worst, at the funeral of the children, one of the parent had the audicity to say that they did not regret what they had done! can you imagine that?? grrr! such parents.

then there was also this incident of the young indian lady who brought along two of her children to die by standing in the path of an on-coming train (only one died, they other, luckily managed to escape).

of course there were many more cases of parents/a parent killing themselves/himself and their/his children. some compassionate and soft-hearted people might admonish me for labeling them as ‘cruel’ or might say to me "come on, give the parent a chance. don’t be too hard on him. he was so depressed (or mental!), so you can’t blame him for doing what he did". or "you haven’t come to that stage yet… with a family… and having problems… (or so on), so you have no right to be too judgmental on the parent.",

oh well, keep your thoughts to yourself please. to me there is no justification at all to kill innocent children.

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