new modem but still can’t get connected

Damn! I still can’t get online at home. yesterday bought my modem to the computer shop to let them test and they found out my modem faulty. This computer shop I know the boss for years and alsoknow the lady clerk so I know they won’t cheat me.

Anyway the clerk said that when she switch on my modem, all 3 lighs lighted up and remain lighted – this showed that it was faulty. Yes true ever since 4 days ago when I can’t get connected I did notice the 3 lights light up at once when I switched on the modem and stayed lighted.

Well when I bought this new modem (btw it’s aztech brand and cost RM125 – cheap? easonable?) the boss who was there had tested the modem on their PC after he configure my user name and password for auto log in, and it worked very well. Can go online after switch on modem… like I always did before – just switch on modem and immediately get connected – no need to dial in, no hear dial tone.and he made suretoshow me which cable to go where.

Well, when I got home I was so eager to try it out… But it was not working! I was sure I had made the right connections as I had detailed instructions and I also read the manual.

The computer man had even told me how to tell the modem is working and connection established from the 2 lights – dsl and ethernet. Well when I switch on the modem, the dsl light was not lighted even after I try open a website. Then the ethernet light lighted up for jusy a few seconds and went off completely.

I am now confused. How come new modem also not working (but it work at tne computer shop). I wonder:

1. Did I made the right connection (you know like which cable to go in which slot)? Answer: i’m quite sure yes.
2. Is my phone line faulty? Answer: I think no since the same line that conect to the phone, my phone is working.
3. Could it be that the network card is faulty? Since the ethernet light does not light up. Answer: not sure. If the 2 options above are ok, then it could be the network card probably. How to know/check if the network card is faulty?

Grr!! 4 days already can’t get online! Today after buying new modem, also can’t get connected. Grrr!! I think I will have no choice but to bring in the expert i.e my brother or his son. And they can come only during weekend… And this weekend not sure they can come too.

See lah! Why didn’t I learn to be techie savvy. Now can’t solve this problem and I have to be left without internet connection for days. Aargh!!


p/s – again blogging this via pda. can’t blog on socio political matters or current issues, which is what i like to do, because that need lots of referring to other sites and linking which I can’t do on PDA! (because of the cost)

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