new ‘suit’ for my chaly
hey, look! my chaly has a new coat of paint at last. lovely eh? nice colour? since i like blue, i choose blue for chaly. this is light metalic blue. the front and back mudguard is a bit darker in colour. remember sometime ago i talked about my chaly and posted a picture of it? click on the link and have a look at my old chaly. as you can see, it used to be white (with the mudguard green) and there was a streak of dirty patch on it (think was dried-up petrol!). yes i had wanted to spray paint chaly but can’t afford it. then thank god, my ex-boss so kindly offered to pay for me to have chaly painted at her foreman’s place. it cost RM330. my ex-boss was the one i talked about in the post where i mentioned i stayed in a big bungalow. i suppose this ‘gift’ of hers is sort of like to thank me for taking care of her house while she is away.
so, do you like chaly’s new colour? here is a close-up picture to show the colour? i choose this lighter blue because not many people have bikes with this colour. dark blue, yes i saw quite a number of bikes with it. i guess there is only 1 honda chaly with this colour in penang, so if you spy it, then you’ll know it is me. 🙂 today i’m back home… after 13 days away. how i missed my bed! i’m going to have a good long sleep tonight. i’m on leave today as am leaving for a seminar in the evening. ohh… just one day at home and off away from home again for 2 nights. i’ll be back on monday to blog.
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