deny BN 2/3!

many people had anticipated that for sure BN would win in the election. why is it so? as mgg pillai pointed out, people do not like surprises. since BN had been the ruling coalition for five decades, despite thier faults and all that, people feel BN represent the ‘comfort of the known’ (in mgg’s words). or as many people put it they feel only BN can provide the stability and solidarity they seek. another reason i see is because of our new PM, pak lah. when the new PM came into the scene, he seemed to come up with so many ‘feel good’ policies that well…er… made the public feel good, and these ‘feel good’ people feel they should give a chance to the new PM, so must support him.

well maybe malaysians are not ready yet for the opposition to take over… but for a start, if you are not happy with the current ruling coalition, then we should deny BN it’s 2/3 majority! at least this will show them we are not happy with them. on the contrary, pak lah seems to call on the public to give a bigger mandate to them!

a letter writer in malaysiakini had come up with some good reasons why we should not vote BN. read about it here. see if you can relate to any of them. if yes, then say no to 2/3!!

and if you want to read more letters on why we should vote the oppositon go to lone’s blog, who had so hardworking picked out some of those letters, with excerpts.

oh, and here is an interesting write-up entitled simply‘election 2004’ from a friend, garou, who is from one of the state up north.

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