yes, oh mob, don’t insult islam!

well, well, what did i tell you in my ealier post – that interesting things will happen, it did!
a group of people (the mob!) did gathered in protest of the forum.

"the demonstration against the forum clearly show us (at least myself) that only the weak and those who felt threatened will react in this manner."

how correct!  not to mention those who are insecure and weak in their faith. shame!

the above (in quotation marks and big size) was one of the many comments found is susan loone’s post.

from malaysiakini:

A leader of the protesters – PKR Kulim-Bandar Baharu parliamentarian Zulkifli Noordin – declared the abrupt end of the forum as a victory for them.

er… excuse me, en. zulkifli, victory you said? victory over what? victory for what? in fact, i would say the opposite – it shows what a bunch of losers the mob were!

why did the forum came to an abrupt end? because the police order the organisers to end the forum!! see, the police is always on their side! sure they had a right to demonstrate, so did the organiser had the right to hold the forum too. so why can’t the police see that the forum went on smoothly without interference from these demonstrators? oh no, the police won’t do that. in fact, believe it or not, the police even accompanied some of the demonstrators inside the forum and i suppose did not do anything when a person went up to the mike and said some nasty things.

again this is from another report of malaysiakini:
bar council islamic forum controversy inccident 090808 04
Chaos erupted in the Bar Council auditorium today when several demonstrators entered the venue to disrupt a forum on religious conversion.


One of the demonstrators (pic right), wearing a green and white Malay Student Front (GPMS) shirt, started the verbal melee when he grabbed hold of a microphone and lashed out at the crowd of about 100 participants.

“I represent Umno. Stop this forum” declared the unidentified individual who also uttered “Don’t insult Islam” and “You! Chinese, Indians, go to hell!”.

wah! umno! figures!! i find it funny he dare to say out that he represent umno. like he was so proud he represented umno? haha. to me it was a shame!

look at the picture. see how fierce the man was. and look behind him was a policeman just standing there.

"you! chinese, indians, go to hell!"??? and someone  were saying the organisers need to be hauled up under the ISA? did the organisers said "you malays pigi lah ke neraka!"??? don’t forget too the demonstrators were shouting "babi!", "pengkhianat!" and "balik cina". wasn’t that very racial? shouldn’t they be detained under the ISA, if not just detained under police custody? but oh no, of course not. it’s the same old double standard at work again.

"don’t insult islam" is another phrase i find funny. as i had asked in the article 11 forum demnostration in penang 2 years ago (of which i was present as a participant) – "what? a forum can insult islam?". ha ha. ha ha ha.

didn’t the demonstrators know that instead it was they who insult islam with their behaviour?  well from the same report of malaysiakini (as lin above),l this was what the renowned renowned international islamic university law lecturer dr mehrun siraj responded to that ‘go to hell’ umno man:

“Open discussion is the way to discuss the issues between Muslims and non-Muslims. Don’t insult Islam,”

see? if they don’t want an open discussion, it shows they themselves are insulting islam!!

oh gee, i have so much more to say but as it’s getting late now, i’ll leave that to part 2 tomorrow!

(note: read also the posts by lim kit siang, with lots of comments – here and here)

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