dirty tricks in sg siput

yeah. sg. siput. where samy velu is contesting. ain’t no surprise eh?

we get to see:
1.  the police disturbing the opposition (PSM)
2.  the majlis perbandaran kuala kangasar(city council) favouring MIC

dr jeyakumar, the candidate from parti sosialis malaysia (PSM), who is contesting against samy velu, was giving his frist ceramah where over 1000 people were present.

according to PSM’s website, the police AND the light force team barged into the ceramah while it was halfway on and force them to stop.

why? what was wrong with holding a ceramah at their own place? it it illegal? why did the police had to intrude? order from someone? hmm….

then according to the website, it also said that at the same time, the ceramah was going on, MIC held a concert not too far away from the ceramah’s site. they erected a stage for the concert, and it seemed that PSM had also seek permission from the majlis perbandaran to erect a stage but was turned down.

why? why the double standard? was the majlis perbandaran doing its duty at the request of someone high up?

the last paragraph says:

Samy Vellu pernah pakai cara yang sama untuk mengganggu program PSM dalam pilihanraya yang lepas. Nampaknya kali ini taktik yang bertaraf rendah ini sudah langsung tidak berkesan lagi. Walaupun muzik dimainkan dengan kuat oleh MIC semasa ceramah PSM, namun orang ramai masih tertarik pada apa yang dicakapkan oleh penceramah, dan apa jua bunyi yang keluar dari belakang langsung tiada kesan! Taktik murahan MIC telah dikalahkan oleh kesedaran rakyat!

ahh… see? it says the sami guy had used this tactic before – purposely having a concert near to where dr jeyakumar is having a ceramah. so, samy was up to his dirty tricks! and throughout the campaigning, i’m sure he will continue with his dirty tricks. and we’ll see again and again the police and the council favouring BN.

is this a fair election? it never had been, with BN full of tricks and propaganda. that’s why i fear that because of this, dr jeyakumar mignt not win. don’t forget the MASSIVE phantom voters in sg siput – on 8 march, lots of dead people will be resurrected to vote for samy, which means less chance of dr kumar to win.

i hope MAFREL is monitoring the sg siput seat carefully. a free and fair election must be seen at sg siput. i am hoping that dr kumar can win… even if he did lost, then it should be by fair means.

from what i heard from friends, especially those in ipoh,  i know he is doing a good job of helping the poor indians in sg siput, especially those plantation workers from the housing estate.

i have met dr kumar before once (but not really spoken to him personally) when under one of our church project, we visited several marginalised people under his care. after the visit, he gave a talk which was very eye-opening and enlightening.

there had been so much talk about it’s time to give samy velu the boot, so i hope votes in sg siput will know what to do come polling day.

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