“demolish the statues and destroy the crosses”

no, this doesn’t come from the taliban country, afghanistan or saudi arabia. this comes from our very own country.

who said it? an MP for parit sulong.
where? at the circus house parliament.
when? 29 oct. 2007
statues/crosses from where? mission schools.
why he said it? ISLAMISATION in the making!!

i’m not making this up. and no, i’m not trying to drive a divide between islam and christianity (because one blogger said that was what i like to do). i’m merely presenting you with facts, then of course add my own comments.

here… the proof. extract from hansard (parliament records).

click on the picture or click here for the bigger version (click once to open, then click once again on the picture to enlarge).

to those who don’t understand bahasa, i’ll be glad to translate it for you.

now i’m going to pick out some parts (and translate) to comment on them.

"banyak ibu bapa menghantar anak-anak mereka ke sana, mereka kompelin sebab ada kalanya sekolah dimulakan dengan lagu gereja."
(many parents sent their children there, they complained sometimes school begin with a church song.)

well, then who told the parents to send their children there?? typical __ !!! wanna send, then wanna complain. "kalau you tak suka, you keluar dari sini!" (sound familiar?) – well people can say this to the parents.

"saya rasa kecewa di dalam negara islam, malaysia ini, kalau saya pergi ke sekolah convent, ada terpampang patung st mary di depan depan sekolah."
(i felt disappointed that in malaysia, an islamic country, if i go to a convent school, there is a statue of st mary in front of the school).

oy hello, YB (yang bodoh!), of course lah if you go to a convent school, you’ll see statue of mary (mary is mary, YB, no st title to mary. oh YB. figures). do you expect to see a statue of gandhi or confucious there? or a large picture of prophet mohammad?

oh and this menteri already take malaysia as an islamic state.

"satu hari raya yang lepas, saya diberitahu oleh seorang bapa, waktu aidilfitri di sambut, sekolah-sekolah jenis ini tidak ditutup."
(i was told once by a father that during the aidilfitri celebration, these schools were not closed).

bullshit! such big holiday (and belonging to islam too) and the school not closed? ok, let’s say it was true the schools were not closed… but i’m sure it was not open and muslim had to go! in any case, if you make noise like this, then why was the UMNO assembly held during deepavali? UMNO assembly tidak tutup waktu deepavali!

actually there are lots more to comment but i’ll leave that to some other day. now i am going to give you here the coments of someone else. i received this comments (together with the hansard) via email. here’s that someone’s else comments:

Here we go again!!!! When will all this stop and where is all this leading us to Its outrageous just becaz they got over with one – now they are going for others There are more serioius issues pending – not even in the preliminary investigation stage – issues like poverty ( including Bumis ); increasing crime rates; and many more

What were the promises of these MPs – have these been fulfilled – or was the above one of their election promises – or are they trying to gain a political mileage just by being fanatical – when will they understand that the topic of religion and its related issues should not be politicized

For example if we’re in a mamak / malay stall selling mee goreng or roti chanai which is situated near a smelly drain – do we ask the stall owners to relocate the the drain or their respective stalls – the decision lies entirely on the stall owners

How does the cross or statues effect a student educational ability ? If the cross bothers them so much why don’t transfer out the malay students to other schools ?

The early missionaries brought education to the then Malaya – why after all these years the need to remove these items – did it really take this long ( more than 50 yrs )for the politicians realize this – or were the early Muslims ( 60s; 70s; 80s’ & 90s; even the new millenium )were so inferior in religious knowledge that they failed advocate the removal of these items ?

No – these Muslims practised religious tolerance – they were not fanatics like some of the current crop of so called learned muslims

Islam is a religion which advocates peace, love, harmony, charity and above all the need to continuously pray, praise and give thanks to ALLAH
– why do we need to do things that is unbecomming of a tolerant muslim –

Let us as Christian pray that we ourselves and our fellow Malaysians will be able to rationalize our respective thoughts, words and deeds so that each and every one us will be able to respect each others beliefs and way of living, paving the way for a peaceful, harmonious and tolerant Malaysian lifestyle.

UPDATED:  for the english translation of the hansard text, please click here.

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