am i weird?
adam had tagged me with this ‘weird’ meme.
The rules: Each player of this game starts with the ‘6 weird things about you.’ People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says ‘you are tagged’ in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
weird? how weird i am? being weird is quite subjective i see. what a person list as weird may not look weird to another person. true, as reading what others wrote on the weird things about them, i found some things mentioned were not so weird at all. likewise, i suppose when i list down here the weird things about me, maybe you won’t find it weird?
ok let’s see….
1. i have never eat durians and i never will.
(well it is weird if one is a malaysian, right?)
2. i like ice cream but not when it is melted. i will throw up if forced to eat ice cream that had melted or even soft ice-cream.
3. after drinking something very sweet (esp. hot coffee!), i have to go to the loo! (doing big business)
4. at home, usually around 10.00am to 12 midnight, i always feel so sleepy that many times i would nod off in front of the computer but once it was after midnight, i suddenly become so wide alert!
5. sometimes i tend to talk to myself when riding my bike, esp. when i’m in deep thought. after an idea hit me or something like that, i’ll say out a word or phrase.
6. i cannot swallow pills. i have to bite them into smaller pieces before i swallow… and believe it or not for capsule pill, i used to take out the gelatin (?) covering and pour the powder on a teaspoon, then swallow the powder quickly washed down by water.
ok that’s about it. actually there are more but i wouldn’t call them weird… just strange. er… aren’t strange and weird same thing? er…
ok so now i have to tag 6 people ah. wonder who. i hope my social-political buddies won’t mind if i tag them because i know they (like me) are not too particularly fond of memes. (we are more fond of grumbling about the gomen!). i did thought of tagging simple america but then i thought that i had read him doing this meme before so i searched in his blog and true enough… it was in oct. 2005 that he did it (and it was 9 things, not 6). whoa! so this is an old meme, i see.
ok, i will tag maverick, howsy, lulu, (all 3 socio-political bloggers), fishtail, cmos and viewtru.
well if any of you had already done the meme, then either you don’t do it, or you can add again 6 other weird stuffs of you. 😉
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