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stop sexual crimes!

beside the film screening of the exiled documentaries on the bakun dam, this saturday, there is also another interesting event in penang on saturday – a walk organised by the women’s centre for change. The objective is  to spread the message that sexual crime sagainst women and children should be …

happy women’s day to all my sisters!

today is the international women’s day and this year it is special because it is the 100th year! that’s right, we women, have come a long way indeed. 100 years of celebration, commemorating women’s contribution, and still going strong. go google for international women’s day and you’ll be greeting with …

penang should ban parasailing

… or any other dangerous water sports  at the beach. after all, tourists don’t come to penang for the water activities; and the beaches in penang are not wide enough for water activities. on 31 dec, there was an incident at one of the beach in penang about a japanese …

1111 – georgetown city day celebration

1 jan. 2011 – georgetown, penang is celebrating its city day! (i wonder come another 11111 – extra one here – which is 1 nov. 2011 – any other celebration?).  please drop in the visit penang’s website for more information. i’m interested in the food and arts and craft carnival …