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2 decades after the deadly tsunami

since today is the two decades anniversary of the great disastrous acheh tsunami and i notice many media and FB groups mentioned about it, i too, must jump on the bandwagon lah.  can’t imagine 20 years ago when at that time i was very involved in it, that is still  …

21 years old – coming of age?

my blog’s 21st  anniversary was on 27 sept. every year i will sure make a post on 27 sept then. this year, i know i missed out on 27 sept and wanted to make a post on 28 sept but i encountered problem when i try to post what i wrote. …

two decades of the existence of my blog!!

whoa! two decades of blogging!!  oops! correction. it should be two decades of the existence of my blog as i had not been blogging at all during the previous years. yes, today is my blog 20th anniversary, a blog that had rip for so long. never use it anymore but …

19th anniversary of my blog

yeah yeah, it comes to the point that i have no updates at all on my blog except to once a year, duing my anniversary to update it with a post. yep my blog has been very dead. oops. i realised this year i did make a post on 02.02.22. …


since today is a good date, just want to make a post to show the date. wah! as you can see, my blog had been dead for more than 10 years. well in between those 10 years, i did update but only to make an anniversary post, meaning 1 year, …

18th year anniversary

oh wow! today is my blog's 18th anniversary but for past two years i did not blog about it. usually every time on my anniversary date, i will write something…. even though my blog is quite 'dead' and had not been updating but still every year on 27 sept, i …

started blogging in 2003, so…

…. so it is now 15 years!! it looks like i have stop blogging completely (after 2014) and only blog once a year – on my anniversary date! and that is not suppose to be a blog too… i mean i just came in to say it's my anniversary but …

14 years old today

today my blog is 14 years old, so i have to write something. it's sort of an (obligatory post during anniversary… although i realsied that previous years, i missed out to make a post during the 6th and 11th anniversary. (aww!). anyway i have been 'dead' for 2 years actually …

13 years old blog

i started blogging on 27 sept. 2003… and so today is my 13th anniversary. been very active after i started blogging, which i focus on socio-political matters and current news. then slowly i also thrown in some personal posts here and there amidst the most socio-political posts. i got to know …

it’s 2malaysia, not 1malaysia

ok if i want to start blogging, what should i start blogging about? ah! i know. my favourite subject… on bolehland's double standard. last time when i was active blogging, i had made a number of posts to do with double standard. it was not that i really wanted to …