bad–ruddin? bad-?

i know this is kind of old news but i just got to blog on it… though i will not say much (let the links say it!)… i mean maybe tone it down a little, seeing the fiasco that happened between jeff ooi and berita hairan/NST. that was about THEIR religion and this is about THEIR race… so it will be kind of sensitive issue too.

the new UMNO deputy chairperson, badruddin… badruddin?… bad-rooting more likely… yes, he was badly and wildly rooting for THEIR special rights, when he waved a book on the may 13, 1969 riot in this speech of his.
many people were aghast as can be seen from the many letters that appeared in malaysiakini, of which following are some of them:

badruddin has damage country’s image
what is badruddin aiming for?
UMNO leaders above the law?
badruddin’s statement’s chauvinistic, racist
badruddin’s statement seditious
no need to insinuate racial conflicts

an excerpt from badruddin’s statement’s chauvinistic, racist:

If a similar statement was made by others (non-Malays), I am rather confident that the least that would happen would be that this person would be immediately visited upon by scores of Special Branch officers to be interrogated endlessly.

how very true. and whaddya know, indeed deputy internal security minister noh omar came to “bad-rooting’s” defence, saying that his may 13 book waving incident was a history lesson.

*sigh* what else is new eh.

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