can’t tell the truth when you are in BN and a non UMNO

(BN = barisan naisonal, the current ruling coalition).

yes so true. a politician who is in BN but a non UMNO, when he speaks the truth, first UMNO will jumped up, then since UMNO is controlling BN, and the rest of the parties (gerakan, MCA, MIC) are cowards who bowed to the lord and almighty UMNO, the party concerned will then whacked the person who speaks the truth.

not too long ago, we see this kulasegaran what’s-his-name (MIC member right?) who spoke up the truth regarding the marginalised indians, and suddenly everybody in BN attacked him saying it was wrong for him to do so, and take the DPM to ‘let him off’.

now, we see paranjothy, gerakan member spoke up THE TRUTH, very very true, esp. this part:

“They incite racial sentiments among their community in a petty attempt to further their political career.”

we all know that for a long time, don’t we. i’m sure the BN non UMNO members knew too but all were too chicken to admit/speak up on that.

what paranjothy had said was so TRUE, that i just got to post what he had said (taken from malaysiakini) here, with emphasis on the VERY TRUE.


Gerakan rep: Umno incites racial sentiments
Dec 21, 07 6: 23pm

In an audacious move, a notable Gerakan politician has taken Barisan Nasional coalition leader Umno  to task for inciting racial sentiments among Malays to gain political mileage.

“They incite racial sentiments among their community in a petty attempt to further their political career, ”  Gerakan Youth vice-chief S Paranjothy alleged today.

Such attempts, he said, include taking potshots at other BN component parties which draw their support  from non-Malay communities.

“Umno leaders are very found of picking on component parties and use them as their punching bag or  stepping-stone to gain popularity in their community, ” Paranjothy said in a hard-hitting four-page  statement entitled ‘Discrimination from Womb to Tomb’.

He singled out Umno Youth chief Hishammuddin Hussien’s keris waving and his deputy Khairy  Jamaluddin’s claim that non-Malays would take advantage of a weak Umno leadership, as prime  examples of racial posturing.

He also cited Khairy’s speech at the Umno general assembly last month, during which he blamed  newspaper vendors for not wanting to work on Deepavali day. He made a pointed reference to the fact  that the sector is predominated by Indian Malaysians.

(Each year, the print media takes a break during the major festivals. This year, Deepavali fell during the  week of the Umno general assembly, and there was no publication on the day following the delivery of  the presidential address. )

“Umno is fond of playing up sensitive issues among Malaysians. Statements and decisions made by  Umno politicians have been (discriminatory) and contain a lot of racial slurs. So who is playing racial  politics in Malaysia? . . . So who is causing racial disunity? ” asked Paranjothy.

He warned that national unity would be elusive as long as political parties and politicians continue their  communal approach towards politics.

“Politicians always feel (they) must fight for (their) own party. Since we have mostly ethnic parties, they  are fighting for their ethnic group. It is difficult to achieve any kind of consensus. ”

He stressed that the 14 BN component parties must consolidate into a single party in order to “end racial  manipulation in politics”.

“In a multiracial party, if a politician wants to succeed, he would need to prove his ability and win support  from all races, not just his own, ” he explained.

‘Fourth-class citizens’

Commenting on the Nov 25 Hindraf rally, Paranjothy said the 30, 000 Indians took part to express their  “frustrations and anger” because the community has been “marginalised, oppressed and ignored”.

Paranjothy said Indians form the most neglected group in economic terms, as shown by key  performance indicators such as tertiary education.

“(They) are treated as fourth-class citizens. Where the Indians predominate over their fellow Malaysians  is mostly in prison, violent crimes, gangsterism, suicide and social ills. Government policies have failed  to improve (their situation). ”

On the government’s hardline stance against public demonstrations, Paranjothy said the government  has practised double-standards in the issuance of police permits.

“I have participated in street demonstrations and rallies organised by Barisan Nasional Youth,  spearheaded by Umno Youth, to handover a memorandum. . . over certain issues that had taken place (abroad) which I believe would not have benefitted Malaysia.

“Did BN Youth obtained a permit to hold the rallies or demonstrations? . . . Looks like the government is  one-sided when it came to the issuance of permits for public gatherings. BN started this culture of street  demonstrations and now others have emulated it. ”


don’t you think what paranjothy had said was brilliant? downright true! esp. to me the first part about UMNO (but not so much on hindraf/indians)… but what do we see here? the kerismuddin guy, UMNO youth chief, came out with a warning and threat to gerakan leader, koh tsu koon. of course, koh, having no balls, will kow-tow to UMNO and act against paranjothy.

koh had also regarded paranjothy’s attack on another BN component as inappropriate. hey hello, koh tsu koon… then what about the numerous countless times UMNO attack others???

oh, lim kit siang even take a guess that not only will koh act against paranjothy but will apologise to UMNO youth!!

ugh!! i think i will die if koh did apologise to UMNO youth. arggh!

argghhh!!! i’m so geram, so angry over this incident. :mad

persecuted for speaking the truth! :mad

UMNO jumped at paranjothy for his racial and seditious remarks but look what happened to their fellow UMNO member, tamby chik, who uttered a seditious remark too – nothing!!! :mad

look what happened to the mufti of perak, for spreading rumours that nearly caused a riot in a church – nothing!!! :mad


:mad  %@(&!$*(#%  :mad

so mad, i can’t go on further, so i’ll end with this interesting remark form the malaysian blog. do hop over there to read the full post.

btw, here i publicly stated i agree with paranjothy, does this mean i will be persecuted too? phew! no lah, i’m not in BN.

It must be the best kept ‘open secret’ in Malaysian politics that whenever a courageous non-Malay  publicly tick off UMNO, the non Malay parties in the BN coalition almost to a man or woman ,silently nod in agreement. "That bugger got balls maah! " must be their innermost thought. "Good for him,  at least he showed the arrogant racist bastards in Umno their place, " would be their next hidden opinion.

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