bloggers gathering on 19 may
hey exciting news! there’s gonna be a bloggers gathering soon… particularly for SoPo bloggers (that is short for SOcio-POlitical bloggers, see). well ALL bloggers are welcome. don’t get put off by the label SoPo ok. we are naming this the bloggers united malaysia gathering (BUM), so ALL bloggers should unite and get-together!
you can see the information clearly on the banner above. not clear enough? all right then, visit our official blog – BUM 2007! that’s right. we do have a blog where you can find all information there and also where you can ask anything there. (at this moment of writing, the blog is not really 100% ready yet though).
i hope many of you could attend this gathering. it will be an exciting, interesting night i promise you as many of the big names bloggers like jeff ooi, marina mahathir, susan loone, might be there.
i hope too that you would help us to promote this gathering by blogging about it and displaying our banner on your blog. oh when you display the banner, don’t forget to link the banner to our official blog, ya? ok people, let’s all B.U.M. on 19 may!
btw, must not forget to mention this – the banner was done by our resident artist, mob1900. 4 cheers for him!!.
NOTE: remember to hop on to our official blog for further information and queries. you may also sign up for the gathering there.
there are posters, banners and buttons for you to download to help us promote the gathering. hope you’ll put the button in your blog!
bookmark it! –
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