choose your occupation

oh it seems there is this ‘occupation tagging’ game going on among bloggers presently. i thought i would have escape being tagged but just read today that cheeaun had tagged me, so here i am.

what follows is a list of different occupations. the reader must select at least five of them. the reader may add more if they like to the list before they pass it on (after the reader select five of the items as it was passed to the reader). of the five selected, the reader is to finish each phrase with what he would do as a member of that profession. then pass it on to three other bloggers. the ones after 3 asteriks (***) are my own add-ons.

here’s the list:

If [reader] could be a scientist // If [reader] could be a farmer
if [reader] could be a musician // If [reader] could be a doctor
If [reader] could be a painter // If [reader] could be a gardener
If [reader] could be a missionary // If [reader] could be a chef
If [reader] could be an architect // If [reader] could be a linguist
If [reader] could be a psychologist // If [reader] could be a librarian
If [reader] could be an athlete // If [reader] could be a lawyer
If [reader] could be an innkeeper // If [reader] could be a professor
If [reader] could be a writer // If [reader] could be a backup dancer
If [reader] could be a llama-rider // If [reader] could be a bonnie pirate
If [reader] could be a midget stripper // If [reader] could be a proctologist
If [reader] could be a TV-Chat Show host // If [reader] could be a pariah…
If [reader] could be an actor // If [reader] could be a judge
If [reader] could be a jedi // If [reader] could be a mob boss
If [reader] could be a backup singer // If [reader] could be a CEO
If [reader] could be a movie reviewer // If [reader] could be a monkey’s uncle
If [reader] could be a bible archaeologist //If [reader] could be a househusband
If [reader] could be a lifeguard //If [reader] could be a comic artist
if [reader] could be an inventor // if [reader] could be a billionaire
if [reader] could be beauty queen // if [reader] could be a politician
if [reader] could be a war commander // if [reader] could be a ghostbuster
to continue reading, click on ‘more!’.

well… ok, let’s see… here are my pick.

1. if i could be psychologist, i would like to analyse the mind of jeff ooi, to see what made him so damn good at blogging and especially how he get his little birds.; oh and another blogger’s mind i would like to analyse is viewtru, to see what made him so good at humour and sex. er… i mean humour in sex… or is it sex in humour? ok lah i’m not a psychologist yet that’s why i can’t tell!

2. if i could be a midget stripper, i would like to strip together with a normal height stripper and see how the audience’s eyes move up and down. on second thought, perhaps i should strip with a normal height male stripper? yeah that would be better as my eyes would be at the level of… er… you know… *wink*

3. if i could be a lifeguard, i would wish to work in a athlete swimmers’ training pool (or whatever it is call)… so that i wouldn’t have to do my job.

4. if i could be a tv chat show host, i would like to find a guest that talks a lot, talks non stop, so that i don’t have to do much talking. (me shy)

6. if i could be a writer… well, i wish i could really be one!!

ok, so who should i tag? here they are:

I. andy of witty squirrel
II. belacan
III. pok ku of dibawah rang ikan kering

why i choose the above 3? well, they are of different age generation. andy is only 17, a teenager. belacan is in his 30s, while pok ku is (over?) in 60s.

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