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Bishop demurs over PM’s Christmas Day remarks

have you read the PM's message during the christmas high tea organised by the christian federation of malaysia (CFM)? (if not, go to the malayisan insider to read).  you got to read his speech first before you continue reading bishop paul tan's retort. (pic left) the PM had said "i'm …

An Xmas card to my PM

Malaysiakini by Bob Teoh 10:10AM Dec 25, 2012 The Rt Hon Prime Minister, Shalom and Yuletide greetings of peace, love, and blessings. Notwithstanding the crucifix controversy during the Christmas reception for you by the Christian community last year, you have decided to join their celebrations this year again. This reflects …

najib’s true colour showed up – racist!

it was during his PM’s speech when launching an umno club for retired senior government officers at his official residence on saturday. najib, our PM had asked: “I want to ask – who were the ones who questioned Article 153 in the Constitution? Malay privileges – who questioned them?” “Who …

you mean let umno’s law take its course?

"let the law takes its own course" said the PM in regards to the political fiasco in perak. yes, mr PM, what law? BN/umno’s law for sure! wait for the federal court’s decision? federal court? my dear PM, federal court belongs to the federal government, and who is the federal government? barisan …

“no fight as we will lose.”

of course that was not what the PM said but we all know that was the message we got when they (BN) decided not to contest in the penanti by-election, though of course he denied it vehemently.  not only that but he started blaming PR. Justifying BN’s decision to stay out, …

2 MB, 2 speakers = 1malaysia??

and all these came about because of you, mr PM! yeah so what the hell are you talking about 1malaysia, mr PM? not forgetting your tagline ‘people first, performance now’. people first? if you put the people first, you would have listen to the people to agree to a fresh …

why najib fear to sue?

from malaysiakini ‘sue or we stage mock funeral for altantuya‘: A PKR leader has challenged Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak to sue all the international media groups that linked him to the murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu or face a mammoth nationwide mock funeral procession for the slain Mongolian national. (full …