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penang for beng hock forum

“Penang for Beng Hock”: Support Teoh’s family, justice for Beng Hock! After 1 year of Teoh Beng Hock case happen, this tragedy making Malaysians cannot ignore this issue. During the year, Malaysians can easily see the judicature cannot bring justice for him, the recent‘suicide note’ and the Royal Commission of …

review of the sibu by-election

attended the sibu forum yesterday. there were about 50 people in attendance and several media people, including my friend, susan loone. she had written about the forum in malaysiakini and you can read about it below as i CnP from malaysiakini. ong boon keong, one of the speaker, had also …

kita semua pendatang

(which means ‘we are all immigrants’ in english). saya anak bangsa malaysia (SABM) roadshow now goes to melaka with the theme  ‘kita semua pendatang’. those who are in melaka, don’t forget to catch it ya? more details on its website – click on the poster. Date:   March 27, 2010 (Saturday) …

forum: save penang!

yeah save penang from attacks from those people who only have their self-interests at heart.  because their self interests were not served, they spread lies about the peanng govt.  here and there. bayan baru MP, zahrain, nibong tebal NP, tan tee beng,  the muslim NGOs – they had been slandering …

forum: 916 merdeka gua punya?

especially for penangites, made yourselves free on 6 sept. come to the han chiang college for the forum: 916, merdeka gua punya? see poster for further details. UPDATED: message from the organiser:Assuming the impending crossovers are going to take place on September 16, as said by Anwar, how would it …