21 years old – coming of age?
my blog’s 21st anniversary was on 27 sept. every year i will sure make a post on 27 sept then. this year, i know i missed out on 27 sept and wanted to make a post on 28 sept but i encountered problem when i try to post what i wrote. so i am trying to post today (before end of sept)..
although i am no longer blogging (not active) but i will make sure every year on the anniversary date, i will come in to say something. almost all years, saying i’m trying to be active, trying to write something here but oh no, that didn’t materialize. sometimes when i write something long on facebook (FB), i prefer if i write it here but then problem is here, everyone can see it. on FB, when i set to friends only, only those on my friends list can see. since i haven’t use this wordpress for a long time, i lost touch with the features too as maybe i can do some settings to let my blog be seen by certain people only? dunno lah.
another thing is that although i’m not active but i still maintain this blog, meaning i still paid for it – both the hosting and the domain name. hosting is RM106 per year whereas domain name is about RM50 per year.
it is mainly because i don’t want to lose all my contents here and who knows once in a long while, i might get back to blogging, so i need to keep the hosting and domain active even though my blogging/writing is not active. or maybe if one day i really decide that i’m not ever going to blog again, i can enquire how do i keep all my contents here ‘alive’ but yet don’t have to pay for hosting and domain. er… can or cannot? looks like cannot.
ok! moving on. every year at my anniversary post, i will put links of my previous anniversary posts but i think for this year, i’m not going to do that anymore. example – last year’s anniversary post as seen hereL
you will notice the links of all previous posts, right.
since there is FB around, most of my thoughts and writings, i write in FB but then again sometimes when it is long, i prefer to write here. maybe write here then only link to FB. however i must see/learn first how do i make my blog private – but private for a group of friends…. a big group maybe, like on FB friends’ list.