crackdown on bloggers begins?

zorro_lawyerspopular blogger, zorro (aka bernard chan) was called in by the police yesterday for questioning.  apparently it has to do with a defaced PDRM logo he used in his blog and the charge was under the sedition act.

hmm… gee, i think i did used it before too. and just recently i used the umno logo upside down and few months back i had used ‘defaced’ umno logo too, which was taken  from wan imran on facebook, where he designed the umno logo to look something like the cow in the light of the ‘cow-head protest’ in selangor.

so will i one day be called in by the police too? nah, i’m only a small fry, unpopular, not very known blogger so i guess the police will leave me alone.

sometime back at the height of the perak grab fiasco, i found a defaced PDRM logo and had used it in my blog. it talk about ‘polis raja di perak and supported by the sultan’. i used it twice in my posting and had decided to use it permenantly in my sidebar until the perak state assembly had been dissolved. but then someone warn me to be careful not to use that logo, so i didn’t! thank god i didn’t. the logo is still around though of course at that particular post of mine… and no, i’m not going to give the link of that post.

ok coming back to zorro, whom i had met before couple of times, was his questioning by the police a sign of warning to bloggers? is it the beginning of a going to be crack-down on bloggers who are anti establishment or especially anti umno? a little bird had told me that maybe by end of this year, there’ll be something like the operation lallang, where the police will made a sweep on many bloggers, activists and oh yeah the oppostion parties members too i guess. woo.. frightening. intimidating!

am i frightened? should i feel intimidated? oh well, i’ll continue to blog as i always do.

note:  picture here shows zorro (right) with his 2 lawyers, taken from hawkeye’s blog.

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