muslim themselves the enemy of islam

don’t label me an islamaphobe, please. (there’s one particular blogger who like to do that though i had told him numerous times i’m not).

“muslim themselves the enemy of islam, not the kafir” “it was muslim themselves who insult islam” came from none other than popular elusive blogger, RPK. i fully agree with him of course. many a times it was what the muslim did that made us want to comment about them (and here they are calling us islamophobe!) and yet when we do, we get bashed by them (saying silly stuffs like “you don’t know about islam, so don’t comment” or “you hate islam, that’s why you said this”).

look at the recent cow-head protest incident. dragging a bloody cow’s head? and protesting just after friday prayers? and the worst of all, doing all that in the name of allah (when they shouted “allah akbar”… wasn’t that an insult to islam? wasn’t what they did invited comments from us non muslim? of course also the infamous incident at the city council building with the protestors and the shah alam section 23 residents… look at how they behaved. they shamed their own muslim!!

“it is muslim themselves who give islam a bad name” as RPK said in the video… ” look at the protest where they attacked DAP with a banner that had the vulgar word ‘puk***ak DAP…’ next to the word ‘islam’. oh gee… using a vulgar word alongside ‘islam’… wasn’t that giving a bad name to islam?

also the fact that many of these protests or any other actions by muslim they like to use the name of allah by shouting “allah akbar!”. why bring allah into their fight? RPK said it “they do this in the name of islam”, “islam had made them do this” and so on… not verbatim… please do view the video yourselves for what came from the horse’s mouth.

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