the police is the boss!

girdlock in KL as police mounts roadblock! screamed the headline in malaysiakini yesterday.

At least 600 police personnel are manning roadblocks along major roads leading to Parliament, resulting in massive traffic jams in Kuala Lumpur this morning.

boy! am i glad that i returned home from KL on sunday (after attending the workshop) afternoon and not monday (14 july) morning. i did intend to stay on sunday night at my friend’s house then go back on monday morning but since i had to attend a dinner on sunday night in penang, thus i had to go back penang in the afternoon. i just can’t imagine how i would be caught in the massive traffic jam… a jam un-necessarily caused by the police!

and all this because the gomen and police were paranoid. they fear pakatan rakyat was going to hold a protest.

The roadblocks are in anticipation of protests ahead of a possible debate of no confidence in Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi today.

Scores of police trucks and jeeps were seen in different locations throughout the c ity – some containing Light Strike Force (LSF) units – from almost all the district police stations in Kuala Lumpur and around the Klang Valley.

police parliament blockade traffic jams in city area 140708 03 and parliament was sealed off with police all round and barb-wires as barricades – it looks like a war zone, said some of the PR ministers! and lim kit siang was right to say that this showed us a pre view of a police state!  susan loone was right too to get all fired up at the roadblock and the ‘seige of parliament’.

funny… listen to what the home minster, syed hamid had to say (from malaysiakini):

Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar claimed that his ministry had received crucial information indicating that a demonstration was to have been staged in Parliament today.

This was based on "two political speeches, two blogs and two SMS (text-messages)", he said in parliament.

blogs and SMS? and he believe those? i thought he (or his fellow BN ministers) was the one who told us not to believe in blogs and SMS? why was he then acting on the basis of some blogs and SMS? he refused to divulge details when pressed on… doesn’t that tells you something?

listen to what the parliament speaker had to say next:

Met later in his office, Pandikar Amin told reporters that the police had acted based on intelligence reports and that the parliament authorities did not have a right to question this.

"The MPs raised something that is related to a confidential report. I was contacted by a police officer. They acted based on intelligence reports, so how could I question the police?

"Why do they (the opposition) have to take this to extremes? They question if the police do their job and question if they don’t."

intelligence report from the police? what kind of intelligence report? and because they are the police, the speaker had to believe them? the kind of intelligence report like the report they received that certain people were all out to create mayhem with the indelible ink during the election, that they had to cancel the use of indelible ink? or the kind of intelligence report that they found out hindraf was linked to the tigers liberation army? oh well, they are the police and they can say anything and nobody can question them – ahh… this is what we call a police state, no?


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