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why najib fear to sue?

from malaysiakini ‘sue or we stage mock funeral for altantuya‘: A PKR leader has challenged Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak to sue all the international media groups that linked him to the murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu or face a mammoth nationwide mock funeral procession for the slain Mongolian national. (full …

the altantuya’s murder case

yeah i know this is an old issue. i had blog about this before anyway when it first surfaced, first post, very short, just pointing to susan loone’s post, then second post. putting up the report from malaysiakini. but now what i’m going to do is to put in the …

french paper reveal altantuya’s case

so now it seems that the hottest news abuzz in the blogosphere is about the french paper, the french liberation, revealing intriguing details and updates on the altantuya’s case. i blog about it yesterday about 1.00am, just pointing out to read from susan loone’s blog. then later in the afternoon, …