PC, internet, copy-writing

me PC still not with me.
PC from friend with me…
…but no internet
am going to be busy doing copy-writing

i’m still without PC at home. and weekends being not in the office, not able to surf. i was told yesterday by my brother that he had found the motherboard for my PC but it is the one without the AGP video slot… around RM180. and he said if i want the one with the video slot, i’ll have to wait a bit longer. i guess since i can’t wait that long and since i don’t play games on my PC, without video slot is ok. so i hope by this week, he’ll get my PC up and running… then it’ll be back to normal for me… blogging and making comments on blog!

yesterday, a friend lent me his PC but i cannot use internet with it. something like my dial-up modem cable not compatible or whatever. why did the friend lent me his PC? it’s my extra job to ‘cari makan’!! some of you might remember long ago, i mentioned doing some copy-writing job for a friend with a software company, forest software solutions. i already did a few write-up for him, and now he wants me to do some copy-writing for a brochure (flyer) to promote his software. so i guess even if when my PC is back, i’ll be busy with the copy-writing so updates might not be daily.

btw, to those in the advertising field, or those who do copy-writing, i would like to seek your advise – usually how much does one charge for a copy-writing job? what i was asked to do is do a write up of their software – to fill a A4 size paper, both side. one side (front) will be with some catchy slogans and some attractive words to attract people to use the software, and the other side will be the features and benefits of the softwares. i think someone id mentioned to me, to charge around RM200… but i think that is for profesionnal work. i’m so amateurish… and i do find it very very difficult to come up with the brochure, so i know my work might not be good. maybe RM50 is ok… but still i feel so uneasy asking for RM50! ha! being too nice (one day i will post about being too nice affecting health and all that).

anyway, i just would like to know first the normal price profesionals charge, and also a free-lance non professional should charge.

note: again cannot access my blog in the office so sorry no respond to comments.

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