justice_BH ‘sign still points to suicide, says second pathologist’.

oh no! not again! this time, the second pathologist, an indian nationality pathologist, testified at the inquest that teoh beng hock committed suicide.

what? not another one that had been bought over?

no way i’m going to believe teoh committed suicide. NO NO NO!


i believe many of us does not believe he committed suicide. you know, at yesterday’s DAP dinner where nizar was one of the speaker, i remember he said (from video) that once somewhere an indonesian fell 10 storey or so and his eyes popped out! he meant to hint that at such a high fall, the injuries to the body will be massive but in teoh’s case, no!

There were no signs of strangulation around Teoh’s neck to suggest he was stopped from breathing, no “cyanosis” or as he explained “no blue-ish discolouration of the fingertips which are normally found in asphyxial deaths”, no restraining marks, no tongue wounds to suggest Teoh may have bit his tongue while struggling or any other defence wounds.

He also noted that the results of a toxicology test had come back negative, showing no traces of alcohol or common drugs.

“It rules out the victim could have been drugged and maybe then thrown off the window and also rules out the eventuality of having an accidental fall,” the pathologist who had made national news here after his independent autopsy report on the controversial death of suspected car-thief A. Kugan revealed he died from injuries resulting from beating while under police custody.

so those MACC bastards officers did not strangled or drugged him…. but they could have forced him to jump! remember , he was only one person while those MACC bastards – i’m being too kind to call them ‘bastards’ actually. go to ktemoc post and see what he called them… of which i also joined in actually) – ok where was i? yes it was teoh akk alone… just one person against how many? 3? 5? 8? of those MACC bastards interrogating him. they could have surrounded him and forced him to jump. poor teoh. no way out for him. one side was the window, the other side were those bastards MACC officers.

the first pathologist, khairul, was the government pathologist…. and what do you know… this second pathologist was called in by the police!

The 42-year-old lecturer in forensic pathology at the Universiti Malaysia Medical Centre (UMMC) had been enlisted by the police investigation team to carry out the autopsy on Teoh with government pathologist Dr Khairul Aznam Ibrahim.

police? the polis raja di malaysia? like the MACC, the police is under the UMNO government’s thumb, so how do we expect to believe both of them?

i really hope the selangor government will bring in the famous (and flamboyant) thai pahtologist, pornthip rojana-sunand. it was reported:

One of her most memorable cases is the one involving a politician in 1999, which Thai police had initially classified as suicide.

After conducting a post-mortem on the victim and closely examining the scene of the death, Dr Pornthip concluded that the man was actually clubbed on the head before being shot.

The case was re-opened and the man’s brother was later charged with his murder.

see? politician. suicide. same pattern as teoh beng hock’s case. she should be here! she should be here, being an ‘outsider’. we already had 2 ‘insider’ pathologist – one under the federal government (umno!) and one under the police (umno controlled!), so it is only fair to have an outsider pathologist’s view.

before i end, remember i pointed out to you dr rafick’s CSI findings (8 parts)? here are another 3 parts. read especially part IX where dr rafick is determined that teoh did not commit suicide.

dr rafick’s CSI findings part IX
dr rafick’s CSI findings part X
dr rafick’s CSI findings part XI

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