teow chew food

3 days ago i went to the east ziamen delicacy restaurant for dinner with my mum and sis. this restaurant specialise in teow chew food. it was my 2nd visit there. the 1st visit was long time ago with a friend. i did not brought along a camera (and at that time i still had my old phone without camera), so did not get a chance to take any photos. this time, as i have my new SE k5301 phone with a 2MP camera, i took lots of pictures (but unfortunately most turn out to be too dark).

heritage or antique lovers should love east  ziamen. it is housed in a heritage building and you are surrounded with antiques like plates, tea set, brass door knob, paintings and so on displayed on the wall.. all framed up and mounted on the wall, see the picture below… those ‘frames’ on the left on the wall.


i was fascinated with the tables. the top is like one of those old table tops you find in old kopi tiam – nothing unusual about it but the legs… i was surprised to see they use sewing machine’s legs! here’s a picture of the table. sorry not so clear. you might not be able to see the legs properly (but you can go to the dineNeasy website to see. later i’ll give you the link).


then another thing that fascinated me is their menu – comes in this form – made of wood in the shape of a rolling pin!

very creative of them. you have to turn the rolling pin round and round to read. i find the words too small though. and you must be quite careful that the menu does not roll away from you and fall to the floor. haha.

ok now on to the food that we had.

all 3 of us took rice to go with some dishes. the fragrant steamed rice was very nice and it came in an equally nice cute small clay bowl.


the leaf shaped plate you see behind the rice is ‘joo hoo char’. (fried cuttlefish?), came with vege you see partly on the left (‘bayam’ er… what is it call in english?) for you to roll the ‘joo hoo char’ in, if you like. behind the ‘joo hoo char’ is duck meat… special teow chew lor duck…. didn’t bother how it was cooked taste as i don’t take duck!  we also order the famous xiamen roll (this is none other than ‘lor bak’. since it is their speciality, they name it ‘xiamen roll’.) it was very crispy and yummy. we also order one type of vege... er… forgot the name of the dish…. sweet china chai sim garnished with fried garlic and topped with special oyster sauce. it is tasty and appetising!

oh, we have the ‘too thor’ soup too (er… again what is it call in english eh?). i don’t like the ‘too thor’! i only like the soup.

my sister recommended us to try the ‘kwang cheang’ , that this delicacy is famous among the teow chew people. it is fried bean curd skin, filled with yam, turnip and groundnut. quite good but i don’t really like it.

one… in fact, i would say another instead of one… another interesting thing i notice was that the different dishes came in different kind of lovely shaped plates, as you can see from all the pictures here (and also at the dineNeasy website).

since the rice was only a small portion, i did not feel full but i did not want to order a 2nd rice bowl. instead  i decided to go for their  ‘fried mee tiau’.

nice mee tiau. it has some koay teow in it.

the damage to the purse? only RM50.70. not that really expensive, right, considering we had 7 dishes, plus the rice, mee tiau and drinks.

ok you can have a look as some pictures of the restaurant and the dishes mentioned here at the dineNeasy website here.

if any of you are interested in delicious teow chew food, do drop in to east xiamen delicacy which is located at no. 53 love land (near the chulia street end). it’s opening hours are 11.30am to 9.00pm and it close on monday.

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