move over lina joy, here comes altantuya
QUICK UPDATE as at 7.30pm: the trial had been postponed to 18. june. altantuya’s family sued the government for RM100mil. read all about it at malaysiakini. will blog about it later (my usual after midnight time!)
that’s right.
tomorrow today as the murder trial of altantuya begins, people would have forgotten about lina joy. no more talk on the constitution, no more talk on rights, no more islam bashing (as some quarters claimed to… which i deny).
tomorrow the high profile, much talked about trial of the young lovely mongolian woman, altantuya who was blown to pieces will begin. all eyes will be on the trial i’m sure. i suppose the trial would be widely covered by many foreign medias, since this case had become so well known. well, the father of altantuya, shaariibuu had already arrived in our country on 1 june with there of her nieces.
oh talking about father, reminds me of susan loone’s post where she had posted a letter signed by ‘1000 angry mongolian mothers‘ addressed to malaysians dated 31 may 2007 (see picture here, taken from susan’s, and oh the banner right on top was taken from politics101). i find the letter touching and speaking from the heart so i’m going to share the letter here.
Letter of 1000 Mongolian Mothers to the People of Malaysia
It has been half of a year since the life and happiness of an ordinary Mongolian girl who was only in her mid-twenties and who was pursuing her life just like any other human being, deliberately taken away by professional murderers of Malaysia.
From the history of humanity, we were hearing about deeds of heroism for their motherland the the people. However, we have never heard such an action where a mother is murdered. It has been since some time since we get a fear when we hear the name of your country mentioned in the media. How shameful to the reputation of evergreen Malaysia created by patronage of God. This bad reputation may be immortalized by this outrageous action!
It is unimaginable that this murder include all possible criminal actions such as illegal arrest, violence, robbery, killing, conspiracy and corruption.
While two little boys who were orphaned and separated from their mother forever, ‘thanks’ to the murderers, are looking for mercy and expecting and waiting their mother to come home, Malaysia did not send ‘a ringgit’. These children perhaps will have to have a meal of suffering and anguish for the duration of their life.
It is time for Malaysian people to know that it is prohibited in your country to mention this case in public and anyone who ever whispered about it receives firm warnings.
It is time for you to realize what kind of people are working in your government and your safety may be in the hands of criminals and murderers.
Please understand, we need voices of Malaysians who have common sense and who think. It will be very valuable to the trial to be fair and true, to prove the murderers’ guilt.
People are powerful when they are united!
If these proceedings are conducted to serve interests of anyone individual or a group, the reputation of Malaysia will scandalously collapse in front of humanity again.
Everybody should consider that it will serve better if everything is exposed fairly and truly than shielding the truth for sake of the government.
No matter how developed a technology would be, however, it is not possible to revive a deceased. We Mongolians believe that the fair court of Malaysia and its leaders know without anyone’s assistance what remedy must be provided to the surviving two boys who will have to live following their father.
We wish there shall be no more shooting and explosion in the green forest of Malaysia.
We wish there shall be no assault on mothers ever again.
some comments.
It has been since some time since we get a fear when we hear the name of your country mentioned in the media. How shameful to the reputation of evergreen Malaysia created by patronage of God.
ahh as we fear (knew) malaysia has a reputation in mongolia now. great.
It is unimaginable that this murder include all possible criminal actions such as illegal arrest, violence, robbery, killing, conspiracy and corruption.
how true. there’s much more to the altantuya’s case than only her murder.
It is time for you to realize what kind of people are working in your government and your safety may be in the hands of criminals and murderers.
whoa! were they suggesting there are criminals working in our government? serious, man!
one thing i don’t understand is why they talked about malaysia not sending ‘a ringgit’ to altantuya’s son. were they asking for charity towards her son? or were they connecting this to where altantuya was allegedly said to ask baginda razak for money for her son?
i like the last part though where they warned the government that if the trial proceedings is conducted to serve the interest of a particular person or group, malaysia will lose it’s reputation. yes, since all eyes (worldwide) will be on the trial, i hope too the trial would be fair as….
Everybody should consider that it will serve better if everything is exposed fairly and truly than shielding the truth for sake of the government.
here is a picture, which shows at a glance, about the altantuya’s case (taken from the new straits times).
btw, do go to that same link of NST because they have an excellent coverage of the atlantuya’s case. there are some trivial ‘do you know’ like do you know there are 132 witnesses? then there is a recap of the events following to the trial. yes, go and read ‘new focus: all eyes on baginda‘. if you are still not satisfied and want more, hop on to beritamalaysia for there are lots of links there.
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