pak lah, stop the forum!

this forum – ‘challenges on the rights of muslims‘. s hey, mr PM, you yourself said it once – stop the forum. despite we telling you that article 11 forum has nothing to do with IFC, and article 11 organisers are not going to challenge the constitutional rights of islam, yet you put a stop to the forum. yes i remember you saying that article 11 forum must stop because it is causing tension in our multi-religious society. if you are so concern about that, then you should put a stop to this ‘challenges on the rights of muslims’ forum too because it will also cause tension… among the non muslim! so if you want to be fair to ALL religion and no using of two sets of laws, this forum should not be allowed to go on. fine, if you want the forum to go on, i certainly have no problem with that at all… i won’t stand outside thier forum venue to protest.. but in that case, you should allow article 11 forum to be held too.. be fair! no double standard! (i have a feeling the forum will go on because you know lah, how the gomen works….) related links: two sets of laws LOL at the protestors first he said it is ok, then he said stop! press statement from article 11 article 11 is NOT about IFC a disruption by any other name the mentality of the protestors report of article 11 form from xprye article 11 article 11 forum in johor it was a mob of stunted minds, swollen heads, shallow characters hurray! forum to be reconvened police report lodged police let the mob rule, part II police let the mob rule ‘don’t humiliate islam’ – the forum can do that? forum on federal constituion cut short because…

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