jogging of the decree minds??

“Welcomely! datang of selamat! welcome of! Admission! receipt! Pleasant D’Il!thankses, a point in my source to undertake, of the one of fotoricettore this blog for of September the 27 of 2003, rest during the moment of l’un had been the beginning to him, repetitions totally, of that my alcohol of the palpitato of j’avais, if its alcohol has something to say, in ‘jogging of the decree minds’ that is released ignition; , alternatamente to say them something here, correctly, they can correct the lira the BTW von Anmerkungen, they are original notes in the equal ones if this aspect zero of the client here.”

you must be scratching you head wondering had i gone cuckoo… what in the world was i talking about. well the above was actually my welcoming message you see up there (there right above the date, at the blue shaded box) which had been ‘babelize’ i.e. translated back and forth a few times with a few different languages. here i reproduce my original welcoming message:

“welcome! selamat datang! la bienvenida! accueil! empfang! Il benvenuto! thanks for stepping into my weblog. this blog was started on 27 september 2003. do stay for a while browsing through what i had been jogging my mind on. then when your mind have something to say, click on ‘jogging of minds’ to say something, ok. alternatively, you can just read the comments there. btw, there are comments in archives though the count shows nil.”

the result of it being translated from original -> french -> english -> german -> english -> italian -> english -> portuguese -> english -> spanish -> english was what you see in the first paragraph.

some of you might had already heard of carl tashin’s invention ‘lost in translation’ and had even played around with it already. those who haven’t, go ahead and have some fun. pick whatever text/passage you want to have it translate and laugh at the funny result.

btw, this is the result of the first two paragraphs of my last post below:
“of you, of whom chosen Papierd’étoile, you had scared with l’image, before these 5 years of the damage of the girl, who he looks like the iron of the refusal of the skin in the relative buttock of the pieces, the end to receive liberations had been terrible! the hour fights for the relative life in a hospital of Singapur and this terrible age on the other hand (or, he? ) qu’une was those was resistance malaysian of the thought has a hand in how much, jusqu’ici that the suspiciones dell’alito main of the pump had consulted to husin d’azahari malaysian that they think about the
mistrust the terror, the oldest group of aluminum-qaida-using of that one Mitgliedsd’un.”

hey! it’s a sunday! i’m entitled to a frivolous post. ;P

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