car sex?

remember the young woman who had a ‘naked romp’ in her kancil? i’m sure you do because… well… it seems so amusing. well, what do you know, now it’s on the news again of another sex in the car story, but this time apparently with tragic consequence.

the wife was having sex with her neighbour in a car, when the husband stumbled upon them and stabbed him and castrated him.

i wonder what kind of car is that. not a kancil for sure. i saw the news on tv and saw the car but can’t recognise what made.

hmm… is this the trend now for people to have sex in car? i remember sometime ago, the durex sex survey which ask where is the best place to have sex, not many (think less than 10%!) mentioned the car.

p/s – btw, you guys just got to read viewtru’s latest article from his ‘5star paper’ entitled dear lai ma on sex in kancil simply fantastic, i tell you! viewtru, you are very talented. (hmm… i notice viewtru blushing).

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