doing away with ‘ugly malaysian’ image

doing away with ‘ugly malaysian’ image
well, well, what good news. our PM, pak lah had launched a 5 years plan named ‘national integrity plan’ (NIP).

what is this plan about?

it is to change the “ugly malaysian” image by promoting a values-based society with a clear sense of morals.

hmm… so the admission is there. we are all ugly malaysians. well, usually it starts from the top, so i suppose we have ugly menteri-menteri, that’s why the rakyat malaysians also ugly too.

pak lah said that it’s no use having a malaysian society that is rich materially but lack moral values, ethics and integrity. indeed. and what’s the point of having 1st class infrastructure when malaysian’s mentality are 3rd class?

well, launching a plan is all too good but to see that it goes on well is another matter. i suppose because of this, pak lah has set up a national integrity institute (NII) whose function is to monitor and co-ordinate programmes for NIP including research, training and setting up a database on integrity and ethics. let’s hope that the NII will really get to work and can manage to turn ugly malaysians into ‘beautiful’ malaysians.

we have our ex PM to thank for all the 1st class infrastructure (or so it seems) and all those ‘biggest’, ‘tallest’, ‘highset’ etc. thingy.

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