making a mountain out of a molehill

by none other than the hypocrites umno! where karpal singh’s so called seditious (according to umno!) remarks is concerned.

yeah i know this is old news but it is still on-going though. i have not spoken up all the while but yesterday i saw a very interesting TRUE article on this issue by aliran (below), thus i want to share it, and of course at the same time, say something.

it really amazed me how on earth there had been so many police report lodged against karpal for making a statement that was so true. it really amazed me how on earth can those umno people twisted and turned his remark as something seditious. but the most amazing thing was when the PM himself called on the AG to investigate karpal!! oh gawd!! can you believe that? oh you do…. because malaysia boleh!!

many people, like those letter writers to malaysiakini, and some bloggers and top writers had already given their point of views that how ridiculous it is the charge of sedition against karpal. like human rights lawywer, malik imtiaz’s excellent post where he listed out the seditions act for argument. the latest came from dr azmi sharom, who also question the seditions act used against RPK and karpal singh.

the most used argument… and rightly so… from Malaysiakini letter writers and bloggers was of course umno’s double standard on how come it is ok for them to disagree with the sultan where the choice of MB is concerned in terengganu – that was not insulting to the sultan, that was not consider seditious but when karpal singh, a non umno said something of legal issue, all hell broke loose among umno people. that’s why aliran is so right in labelling them as hypocrites. ok so here is the interesting article from aliran i was talking about earlier.


umno hypocrisy
14 may 2008

What Karpal had said was mild compared to Dr Mahathir’s malicious utterances in the past about the rulers, observes our special correspondent. Yet Karpal is biadab; Dr M is not. Karpal is kurang ajar; Dr M is not. Karpal is a traitor; Dr M is not. Karpal is seditious; Dr M is not.

My, my, my, look who is defending the defender of the faith – of all groups, Umno!

Just for saying that the MB as Chief Executive of Perak has the constitutional right to remove an allegedly uncooperative, recalcitrant Religious Department official, who is a government servant, and that the Sultan plays only a consultative and advisory role, Karpal is being literally crucified.

Granted, the MB put the cart before the horse in not consulting and seeking the advice of the ruler before removing him.

Since its formation, Umno has shown neither regard nor respect for the rulers. Let us examine Umno’s record, which is indeed a disgraceful one.

In 1946 Umno organised a demonstration against the rulers who had given their consent to the Malayan Union proposals. The rulers withdrew their consent and this killed the Malayan Union.

In 1983 the Constitutional Amendment Bill, curbing the powers of the rulers was passed by both Houses of Parliament. This precipitated a constitutional crisis when the rulers rejected the amendments. As expected Umno orchestrated, through its government-controlled print and electronic media, a vicious and ruthless campaign to discredit the rulers. Then Umno organised a series of illegal rallies – minus, of course, the FRU, water-canon and teargas! – in Alor Setar, Bagan Datoh, Seremban, Malacca and Batu Pahat at which Umno leaders, led by Dr M mercilessly castigated the rulers who were accused of behaving like feudal lords who were obstacles to progress and development. At these rallies Malay youths were seen wearing T-shirts bearing Dr M’s picture and the words Daulat Rakyat – I wonder if it meant Ketuanan Rakyat. There was a relentless campaign against the Malay rulers and the print (especially the Malay press) and the electronic media were fully marshalled to spew out mercilessly Umno propaganda against the rulers.

Dossiers on the rulers and their wasteful and extravagant lifestyles was exposed. Remember the infamous yellow envelopes to the MB from the Negeri Sembilan ruler?

Dr M’s words then: “It was the rakyat who had protested against the Malayan Union … It was always the people who had fought for their destiny … We weren’t born ministers … We’re up here because we were chosen by all of you.”

Dr M had drawn the battle lines clearly – Malay sovereignty versus royal hegemony. At a so-called victory rally in Malacca Dr M declared proudly that the feudal system had ended.

What Karpal had said was mild compared to Dr M’s malicious utterances about the rulers. Yet Karpal is biadab; Dr M is not. Karpal is kurang ajar; Dr M is not. Karpal is a traitor; Dr M is not. Karpal is seditious; Dr M is not.

During the stand-off between Abdullah Badawi and the Sultan of Trengganu over the choice of the MB, AG Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail said that under Article 34(1) of the Federal Constitution, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong cannot function as a ruler of a state except as the head of the Islamic religion. He further said that His Majesty was aware of the fact that appointing of the MB lay fully with the Regent and the Regency Advisory Council and that His Majesty had no role whatsoever under the law concerning it.

Aren’t the words of the AG seditious?

Over the same problem isn’t Datuk Rosol Wahid, Trengganu Umno Liaison Committee Secretary’s police report on the appointment of the MB an act of disobediance of the ruler? Police reports were made against him. As always Umno can do no wrong and is literally above the law. So no police action was taken. Wasn’t Datuk Rosol Wahid biadap, kurang ajar, a traitor and seditious as well?

Umno is a dying party, a drowning party which will clutch every straw to survive. Umno from time to time uses the rulers, abuses them or pretends to put them on the pedestal and worships them to suit their political agenda.

I do not know what is going through the hearts, minds and souls of the Agong and his brother rulers regarding the atrocious behaviour of Umno politicians.

I am a patriotic Malaysian and love king and country. How nice a spectale it would be if the rulers can line up all Umno leaders and Umnoputras, past and present, and give each one of the hypocrites a good kick in the back!


read also the interesting article from RPK, in which he said, with reference to what the perak mufti had commented on karpal’s statement:

No, Karpal Singh was not disrespectful to islam. Karpal Singh is as ‘islamic’ as they come. Karpal Singh has done what 15 million Malay Muslims would not do so. Karpal Singh has done what 15 million Malay Muslims should have done.


No, taking Rulers to task is not disrespectful to Islam. Taking Rulers to task is the greatest respect one can give Islam. And it needed a man like Karpal Singh to do the Islamic thing. I am a Malay. I am not hurt by what Karpal Singh did. I am happy with what he did. The Directors of the State Religious Departments are not saints. Some have the characteristics of the devil. They must be removed. They steal from God. They should be punished according to the Islamic law of Hudud. Unfortunately this can’t be done.

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