UMNO corrupt? tell me something i don’t know!!

"UMNO need cleansing" so said the ex PM. cleanse of its corruption, nepotism and cronism.

yeah right.. as if we all don’t know!

he said UMNO need to be cleanse from within. but my dear ex PM, the rot inside UMNO started long ago… while you were the PM… or even before you were a PM)… whatever . fact remain you were 22 years as PM and you let the rot grow deeper and deeper. so you are responsible for the rot. now you are talking about cleansing UMNO? might be too late!

this, and a lot more, that are good materails for debating and arguing, was part of a press conference interview of dr m during the launching of his book’ dr mahathirs’s letters to world leaders’.

read the full transcript of the interview here.

for further reading, the two top SoPo blogger i like:
rocky bru
jeff ooi

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