ROTFL! come, let’s rotfl!

hahahahaha…. i had so much fun during these past few weeks reading blogs/news. well at least spending so much time surfing on the net has this one good point – therapeutic (since it is said laughing is therapeutic).

fist on 11 nov. i went LOL on the funniest spin i came across  – when 80 business NGO held a protest against the bersih march. 80 NOGs? that many? maybe some of the NGO only consists of one person. lol! and even funnier was their claim that they suffered millions of loses. wahh! one day can made so much eh?

then on 18 nov, came this lingam tape issue – lingam’s brother, thirunama,  came out to spill the beans. nothing funny about that… but a day later lingam then exclaimed to one and all "my brother is mad!" (not in those words… but the point is there.  i exaggerate it.). but then suddenly quick as a lightning, thirunama shrieked "I’m not mad!". LOL! what’s happening between these 2 brothers? Malaysiakini is very updated. you should subsribe to malaysiakini. . just morning i was reading about what lingam said about his brother, then a few hours later, in the afternoon, i read about what his brother said pulak.

then today came the biggest laugh – when i went to susan loone’s blog and discover there is this ‘lingam’s famous ‘correct correct correct’  ringtone available!  LOL! i am going to try using it as my SMS ringtone. you guys should download the ringtone too and use it!

: LOL  hahahaahahaahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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