royal commission and royal spurn


phew! finally, a royal commission to look into the lingam tape would be set up, announced the PM (he awoke?). jeff was counting – it took the PM 58 days to wake up to the fact that there should be a royal commission, after the call from so many quarters.

i first came across this news at Malaysiakini – under the heading ‘Lingam tape: PM ok royal commission’. i wonder who will be in the commission. opposition leader, lim kit siang, has some suggestions.


ok ok so the news was out that the king does not support the BERSIH rally. lots of bloggers blog on it some gloating, some with ‘i told you so’, some still hoping, some trying best to understand why and lots of comments fly in and out.

well to me, i was not surprise, disappointed or sad. as i commented in 2 of the blogs above:

well this news doesn’t surprise me nor sadden me. so what if the king does not support the rally. doesn’t matter. what matter is that the people came out in full force, in solidarity to march for a cause. the people did something… which will bring me to quote gandi: "It’s the action, not the fruit of the action, that’s important. You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, may not be in your time, that there’ll be any fruit. But that doesn’t mean you stop doing the right thing. You may never know what results come from you action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result."

i also like, and agree with my old blogger friend lone said in comments of bob’s:

Handing over of the memo to HRH on 10th Nov is just symbolic. HRH is now made aware of all that is troubling us with regards to free and fair elections. Did we expect him to come out hammering the EC or the gomen? Certainly no. Now that he has acknowledged the realty of the rally and what it symbolises, it is up to us, the Rakyat, to get things done using Rakyat Power.

then we have the highly popular and mostly controversial blogger, raja petra kamarudin (RPK) said that the statement could not come from the king and made the startling discovery that the king had employed the 19th royal malay regiment to be on stand-by during the day of the rally, supposedly to protect the people in case there was any violence against the people. true or fiction? merely an imagination (made up) by RPK? hard to tell eh. just as we always said not to believe everything in the mainstream media, i guess we ought not to believe everything a blogger writes too! well…. up to you to decide.

NOTE:: this was suppose to go out on saturday morning but something happened and it didn’t!.

by now i see there are new development to this ‘royal spurn’ issue.  well i shouldn’t use the title ‘royal spur’ actually . this is the kind of title more suitable for the mainstream media. haha.

the new development is that BERSIH had came out to say that they never circulate claims that the king supported the rally. .yes it may be true the king does not support the bersih rally (which will throw out RPK’s theory of the royal malay regiment being there?). who did, i wonder?

there is also a new development (where lingam’s brother came in) regarding the lingam tape story but i’ll have to blog on that later.

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