easily sensitive = insulting yourself

with reference to the post yesterday regarding the now very famous (thanks to those who protested) namewee’s ‘negara-ku’ rap video, i found a very interesting comment in one of the blog which was featured in malaysiakini – pejuang-berjurus. the blogger mentioned that namewee had insulted islam, well just like some higher-up ministers too had said that.

the commenter by the handle of ‘melayusedih’ had written exactly my sentiments, like mentioning how sensitive some muslim are. they get all worked up over some small matter… and go protest, demo, report police and so on…. and this only shows, like the commenter stated, and also syed akbar ali said, that it only shows, they themselves are the one who insult.  his comments was so very well said that i got to reproduce it here. it is in bahasa malaysia, i’ll try to translate it with my limited bahasa knowledge..


Papar video orang sembahyang pun menghina Islam ke? Sensitif benarkah kita orang Islam ni? Orang nyanyi yang tak elok sikit pasal Islam, pasal Melayu cepat kita melenting. Hal-hal rasuah, salahgunakuasa yang terang-terang kita tak endah. Kita terus sokong, terus undi. Bukankah kita sendiri yang menghina Islam? Benda yang kecik kita nak jadi panglima Islam. Hal-hal prinsip Islam yang terang-terang diperlekehkan orang Islam, orang Melayu sendiri kita ambil sikap ‘tak apa’. Kita terus akan pilih orang-orang yang kita tahu akan terus dengan perbuatan-perbuatan menghina nilai-nilai Islam. Bukalah mata kita. Tak payahlah kita kutuk orang lain hina Islam. Selagi orang Melayu macam ini, selagi itulah maknanya kita sendiri yang tabur najis pada agama dan bangsa kita sendiri.


video screening of people praying can insult islam? are we muslim that sensitive? people sing something not so nice about islam, about malays, we are quick to jump up (‘melinting’ here means jump up right?). corruption and the abuse of power that is so obvious, we just ignore. we continue to support, continue to vote. isn’t it that we ourselves are insulting islam? petty matters, we bring it up as the warrior of islam. islamic principles which are diperlekehkan (‘diperlekehkan’ – don’t know what this means. ignore?) by muslim, malays themselves, we adopt a lackadaisical attitude. we will continue to choose those we know who will continue with their works of insulting islam. open your eyes. we don’t have to criticise others who insult islam. as long as malays are like this, as long as this means we ourselves are the one who shit on our religion and race.

APA ERTINYA 50 TAHUN MERDEKA??… when this still happens?

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